O/On30 Christmas Theme

Hello All

I’m wanting to set up a train around the tree this Christmas. So far I’ve purchased a ring of EZ track and an On30 4-4-0 with TSC WOW sound (very impressive I must say).

I’m looking for a few cars, maybe a gondola, caboose, and a passenger or combine car. I am also considering some Christmas themed buildings and/or figures.

I’ve looked on Ebay and a few on line Hobby Shops but haven’t found much. Does anyone know of a shop that would have a good selection of what I’m looking for?


If you’ve tried Walthers, Modeltrainstuff and Trainworldonline, you may have to look for more specialized shops.

I’ll admit to not being up on the narrow guage variations. What size track/buildings work for On30? May help some other folks get oriented too.

Good luck,


You should try The Favorite Spot. You can Google their store web sight or find them on e bay Stores. I believe you will find what your looking for at the best price with them, they have a lot of Bachmann On30.


Thanks Richard

On30 uses ho track but the size is O

Thanks Ralph

I have looked at their ebay items.I will try their web site.