Can anyone give me info on where I can find rolling stock kits to build in O-scale? I’ve seen some on ebay, e.g. Red caboose, Quality craft, KMT,etc. Are there web sites out there where I can purchase such kits? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
A quick Google search came up with the following O scale rolling stock kit suppliers:
Strange, I went to a LHS and wanted to build an O gauge boxcar from a kit, the owner(a bit of a bozo) said there they aren’t available and if they were they would cost $50.00 and up and nobody is into O gauge any more. Nice guy eh??? thanks for the addresses.
Quality Craft kits are no longer produced. This site is P&D Hobby. They carry Red Caboose, All Nation, and others.
Man, that O scale C & O layout in the July MR sure makes me want to get into O scale! That is a nice looking layout.
As a kid, the only scale-type layout I saw regularly other than me & my Dad’s 4 x 8 was an O scale layout. O scale still holds a special place for me from the visits of that old layout!!!
If you are interested in “O” scale join the O Scale Magazine . The 2 Rail forum will get you plenty of info as to what is currently happening in O gauge. O scale is certainly not dead, to the contrary it is very much a growing segment of the hobby.
Come on Ben - what are you trying to do to me?
I finally (after a year or so of hemm-ing & haw-ing) decided on HO over N (getting back into the hobby, did a bit of both as a kid).
Now you’re tempting me with the “King of All Scales”.
Why are you doing this to me?
Yikes - a quick search on Walthers. 480 bucks-ish for a diesel locomotive. Ouch.
If money were no object, I’d probably be pretty interested in O.
Then again, there’s always O traction!