o scale trains form layout's and deals on trains and other thing's

Now we are getting somewhere. I think it best for you to have a meaningful moment and think about what you want. You are looking for O27 under $200.00. You want to look at postwar. Now the Standard gauge is not O27. Like I said, think about what you want. In either case, my answer is the same for both. Trainshows, eBay, and perhaps some local dealers. Also, keep an eye out at garage sales, etc. Make sure that if you want O27, you get O27, not O gauge, which is O31 or larger. As to track plans, check out the Lionel web site and order some books, they will tell you all you need to know with regard to the basics, care of your trains, benchwork, track plans, etc. I mention the books just so you don’t get into trouble and damage some trains. Also, ask questions, but try to narrow your scope or you won’t get a good answer. the folks here are willing to help, but we need to know what you are asking. Good Luck and keep coming back, you will get a lot of answers here.

ok a littel off topic i need info about using woodland senics that im using for a school project im moedling a african grassland i neesd help.[:D]

Woodland Scenics offers a variety of materials - gorind foam in degrees of courseness and taller grasses. You probably need a combination of the foam and the grass for your project. A piece of extruded foam or a ceiling time would make a good base for your project.

I would recommend painting the base a flat, tan color using latex paint. You can sprinkle on some fine sifted dirt or ground foam while the paint is wet to add texture. To add the tall grass, poke a hole in the foam base, add a drop of white glue, then insert a clump of tall grass. You’ll have to do a lot of this! Woodland Scenics offers Scenic Cement in spray bottles to secure the foam, dirt, small rocks etc. It will dry flat and clear.

You might consider using fake fur (sold in craft stores) for the tall grass. It is economical and can be trimmed to represent different heights of grass. Choose a color that fits that grass you want ot model and simply glue it to your base. Disguise the edges with ground foam or Woodland Scenics grass.

Good luck!

hey thanks! but i was at school for that poast and dident have time to ask how are
k-lines train masters it will run on 0-31but what about 0-27 the other one was the b&o gp9 how is it? it’s price is 59.95 or somthing like that the trainmaster is 199.95 or somthing like that.

hey when do the linoel catalogs come out in paper