Obtaining 35mm Ektachrome film in Israel and having it processed

I spent some time on the Kodak website to try to find to whom and/or where to just ask tghe question “:where?”? No success. Can someone help?

I’m not familiar with sources in Israel, but there are plenty of places like B&H and Adorama that will ship reasonably fresh 35mm (or 120, or 16mm movie stock) to you.

Kodak offers the “Kodak Professional Film App” that purportedly has a list of E-6 process labs.

One source in Israel with E-6 capability is Pandalabs (2nd floor, 13 Beit Alpha, Tel Aviv; (972) 03-5618988)

I checked their Hebrew and English websites, and I believe you gave excellent advice.

I can be a customer of Pasndalabs directly or my Jerusalem photo-finisher may wish to be vtheir Jerusalem agent.

THANKS (Todah, Shukhran)