Oct 05 From the Editor

Just recieved my Oct issue and as always i check the" From the Editor" to see if Marc H. is nuts or just plain crazy.[;)]
And also i recieved in the mail a video from a friend of his onboard taping of running the camera in front of an engine on my RR at the last open house.

What did I see? Was all the spots in the track that need work. He loved the on board tour.
So this time Marc H. is right on in my case. I often wonder if the WOOW factor of large bridges and tall structures helps folks to NOT see all the dirt and unfinished areas.
I can share photos but I often wonder what folks really think after their visit and would love to sit in the back seat to hear what is said.
I feel my GRR is just like any one else’s but larger.
So take a minute and read it and ,what do you see when people see what you see on your layout.[:p]

Large bridges and structures are a thing that would draw someones attention.


I think I always look at the goal the owner of the RR is trying to achieve, I mean some are trying to be scale outdoor models while others are a train running through the garden. I myself eventually be on the scale/realizim side of it when I get some track planted but I appreciate the endevors and triumphs of people who are not knowing alot of work went into there RR to capture what they the owner likes.

I wish GR would arrive, the wife bought me a leather recliner for my B-day and I’m waiting to brake it in right[;)]

Marc spent the day out at Jens’s a couple weeks ago. Tons of pictures were shot. I expect an article next year on huge bridges to appear in the magazine.

Hi John
Jens talked to me on the phone after that, sounded like it was fun and he enjoyed spending time with Marc H. He says his RR is done…NOT!!!

Marty !!1
Marc needs to shoot your LAYOUT !!!

Yeah! That would let everybody see what he’s talking about cause we’ve all seen it through Marty’s eyes via his many pics!

Marty my entire outdoor empire is so small it can see seen in one brushing glance. [;)]
So it has to look good, at least to me. Of course I know where the screw ups are, but SWMBO, just sees toy trains. [:p]