I had to do a double take on the track on the cover. It looks like those are real wood ties due to the color variation.
At first glance I figured it was handlaid track. Wow!
I had to do a double take on the track on the cover. It looks like those are real wood ties due to the color variation.
At first glance I figured it was handlaid track. Wow!
Yeah. Thats got to be one of the best MR covers EVER.
Im not sure about the “Ever” part but that Cover shot is very good. What gets me is that part of the layout was actually on a straight section with a S curve built in.
That was also a good sized train rolling thru there. I wondered how many more cars were behind that seen in the cover.
Considering my own poor work I hate to be the one to critique such a beautiful job as that cover photo and his layout. But one tiny thing hit me square in the eyes! Please consider the effect that N scale or even TT or Z scale horses and riders would have as forced perspective and the illusion of the mass of the bluff. Otherwise, Kudos! For a terrific solution to the room space available, even with the dreaded “Duckunders”. jc5729
I’m not trying to criticize - it is a great photo - but the ties are just way too light for a line that carries what appears to be pretty heavy trains. A few light ties would be expected, but light ties are generally near the end of their useful life. On a relatively heavy main line (as the photo gives me the impression this is), most of the ties would be much darker, as ties would be quickly replaced as they age. Freshly creosoted ties are pretty close to black.
Just my thoughts.