York October 2020 has been officially cancelled.
Details on the website.
York October 2020 has been officially cancelled.
Details on the website.
It appears that all the train shows this year have been cancelled; Greenbergs, ED/TCA York, WGHOT, and now the Allentown First Frost. You can still find just about anything you want online but the social aspect of the shows is missed. Thats an enjoyable part of the hobby.
Yes, the social aspect and catching up with old friends that one only sees at the shows is sorely missed. And there is no real good way to have a model train show right now. Outdoors would be the only way, in a large parking lot with dealers set up outside of their car/truck/van. With lots of distance between each dealer. And a limited amount of buyers let in the area at a time. And even then the risk is higher as one is not going to be spraying the trains down after each customer to disinfect. Buying trains online from online dealers is going to become the “new normal” for a while I think. We need a train specific site, not on facebook, just a regular website for set price selling for everybody. Ebay’s fees are thru the roof and many dealers are leaving there. Not everybody has or even wants facebook. All of these smaller dealers need an online version of a train show were they can have a mini E store to sell their trains to us buyers. Maybe this is something that CTT and Kalmbach needs to look into. Reviving the classifieds in a new style/format that is online. Offer packages like a 1 or 2 day train show format, but online. Make it free or super cheap so that not just dealers will post stuff for sale. The idea is to grow and sustain the hobby thru this crisis, not make a profit from this mess. Even if its just temporary till the shows return. For all the years they have been around, perfect time for CTT and Kalmbach to give back. Just my 2 cents Mike the Aspie
Me thinks Mikey’s onto something. [I][Y][8D]
I just dont see this changing anytime soon, atleast in regards to having indoor train shows, which is kind of a requirement as most are thru the winter months in my part of the country. We need an easy to access, low to no cost place to buy and sell trains. Ebay fees are out of control to the point that many dealers have abandoned the site. Not everybody does or wants to do facebook and Craigslist is mostly scams anymore. Time for the model railroad hobby to evolve yet again to cope with the current situation. Its an excellent chance for Kalmbach to step up to the plate and help before someone else does.
They seem to be winging it around here. You have to check “the morning of” to see if it’s still on. http://www.cleveshows.com/