Off Subject - Internet Explorer Question


I apologize for asking a non train question, but it does affect my ease of accessing websites (including this one)…

I had been running Internet Explorer 6 since it came out, but was persuaded to “upgrade” to Internet Explorer 8 - and did so yesterday afternoon. The upgrade was pretty straight-forward, but I found I had to do some tweaking (as expected) to get it to my liking.

The problem is, the “log-ins” to access the workings of this (and some other sites) and my AOL email have to be re-created each time I log in. I’ve done the “remember me”, and restarted a number of times but the situation remains. Obviously there is something - probably simple - that I need to do.

Your help and guidance is appreciated, and again I apologize for this “off the subject” query (my first!).


For this site did you click the “remember me” box when you logged in?

Other sites have similar options.

Also on top of the page try clicking tools, then internet options.

Then click on the content tab and then the settings box next to auto complete. What you’re looking for might be there.

It is the same with me, I have to log every time but only to this site and this, only since they changed the software for the worst.

I always click the remember me option and IE is set up to auto complete. As I said before all others site are behaving correctly.

Hi I run IE 8 and have absolutely no problems with any site I go to. Either I’m too dumb to knw there is a problem or the internet realizes this and has pity on me. [(-D]

Seriously, try this.

Click tools then internet options. ( or right click the Internet Explrerr icon on your desktop).

In the section Browsing History you will probably see the box “delete browsing history” checked. Either uncheck that box and click OK to leave…

OR If you want to clear your history and cookies on exit of IE click the Delete. (trust me, this is what I did)

It will open another window. At the top insure the “preserve Favorites Websites Data” box is checked.

Look at the rest of the boxes and see if they are what you want to do, and then click delete.

You will empty your browsing history and your temp files and cookies this time, but providing you make Model Railroader site one of your favorites, when you exit it will not clear a cookie that is for your favorites sites, Unless, like the MRR site, (not the forums, but the magazine side) there is a time built in. There is nothing you can do about that, but you should NOT have to sign in to the forums again.

I hope his works for you, it does for me.


Thank you for the info - it works! I didn’t realize there was another “selection box” under the “delete” button. In my opinion, MS could have made it a lot simpler - as in earlier versions, but like a lot of techi things in our world, once you know how - Its EASY !!!

Thanks again,


I have just tried this with an iPad using Safari Browser and the iPad leaves all other PC’s and browser’s in the dust. Love the new Toy.


For whatever reason, IE8 clears its login history after a few restarts of the comp

Mine, I have to start typing, and it will sk me if I mean “…” But it doesn’t log me out every time i leave the site for another

You’re welcome. I know very little about computers and their programs and that just happened to be something I stumbled across by accident for the same reasons as you so I’m glad I could help. I agree that there could be a much easier way to do things and for those in the know, I suppose there is[(-D].

That was one of the problems I was having with IE8 and is one of the reasons I switched to Firefox. Bye-bye problems.

Fire Fox has it’s issues as well. Such as if you post a web address on this site it doesn’t attach as a link. The url command has to be added. maybe someone here has an answer for that but I haven’t found it yet.

Hi, Not my intent to throw a monkey wrench into the works or cause a ruckus, but something to consider: When you use the “Remember Me” option to automatically log in…a “hacker” could enter your account as you do on a daily basis. Something like this happened a couple of years ago on this forum (even though the software was updated since then). Unfortunately, I’ve met quite a number of young people that have “hacking” as a hobby which is one of the reasons why I frequently talk to kids about positive values, respect, and patriotism. If you are making it easy for yourself to log in, you are also making it easy for someone to compromise your account. Of course, that hasn’t been a problem here for a long while but the possibility is something to consider. :slight_smile:

I believe that the remember me option resides on your computer and not the web site. If I log on in work it makes me enter the username and password. Only at home does it remember me.

Yes, the login is stored on your computer in the form of a cookie, which at least for this site seems to have a rather long but still finite duration - seems about once a month I get the prompt to sign out and then back in.

It’s safe to do on your home computer - unless you expect people will break into your house and rather than steal yuor computer, will log in here to post nasty messages. But do NOT use that option when using a public computer - the next person to sit down could indeed get in your account withotu havign to use a password.

I have ZERO problems with IE8, at least as far as operation of any web site I frequent. If you’re having wierd login issues, or cookies aren;t saved, then you have some setting wrong, or some other issue with your computer. My laptop is rebooted CONSTANTLY - I always shut it down when goign from client to client, I don’t just shut the lid and let it suspend - and it NEVER looses my login info for any site I’ve accessed through it. This is something usually caused by some third party program that is set to clear cookies under the guise of ‘privacy protection’ which is utterly pointless on your home computer. If it doesn;t happen with Firefox that’s because said program is pretty weak and can only handle IE cookies and not Firefox or other browser cookies - each browser stores cokkies in different places. I have a basic antivirus package (I happen to use AVG Free), and I do visit sites that could be considered questionable - yet in all my years of internet use I have NEVER had a virus on my computer. EVER. I used Firefox briefly but almsot all the time my sole browser was whatever the current version of IE was.
