Off Topic- For Memorial Day

This is a poem my daughter, Ashley, wrote for me after hearing how the Viet Nam soldiers were treated coming back home during the war. I will dedicate it to the others who had no parade.

A very nice tribute. Many thanks to Ashley, and to you for sharing.[tup]

A very worthy “Off Topic”.

Your daughter is a very wise young lady and the poem speaks volumes to her and her parents who brought her up the right way. Congratulations on a job well done.

Blue Flamer.

Thank you for posting this. And thank you very much, Ashley! I will keep this. It still hurts when I think about how I was treated when I came home from Vietnam. Even the reaction from my friends. I learned real quick not to ever say anything to anyone about my tour. Thank you very much! Ken

I was very proud to post this and hope it helps someone. Dont know why it double printed. Dave


The problem is fixed.


While we remember those who are fallen, we also need to remember those who survived,those serving now, and those who will serve in the future.

May those who passed rest in peace.

May those who serve now, survive to tell about it.

May those who serve in the future survive and live on in a new and peaceful world.

Thank you Tom… Dave

God bless all of our past, present, and future defenders of freedom. The warriors that gave us our freedom should be given respect. I will argue and fight anyone who says otherwise. These songs by Toby Keith sum everything up for me. God bless our troops.

One of the great tragedies of the Vietnam war was that so many anti-war protesters turned against the troops who came home from the war (most of whom hadn’t wanted to go in the first place). [V]

Fortunately I think those of us who in recent years were against the Iraq war were able to be against a government policy yet be supportive of the troops carrying out their orders.

amen to that poem. Thank you to all the veterans out there for fighting for our freedom and a hats off bowed head moment for all those who drew their final breath fighting for this country.

Please thank your daughter [tup][bow]

Da Nang Aug 67–Aug 68


My Dad is a 'Nam Vet. That is a great poem, and spending many nights talking to him, I know to Vets, that means alot. But then again, I have always been very proud of my Father’s service.

Great post. May God Bless them all.

Thank you all for all the kind words, my daughter was very proud, and I am proud of her. Dave Ahn Khe 69.

Thank you for sharing this touching poem.

Thanks to everyone past and present who has been a part of supporting the freedoms and values we take for granted as part of this country.

You’r daughter has skills. God Bless America and God Bless our troops liveing AND dead