okay anyone who has kids to make a trip shorter for them you play games. we were playing licencense plate tag.of course we get passed by michigans and ontario’s as they are heading to florida.have some indianas and kentuckys tennesees and georgias but ALASKA? wow.had a good safe trip.
It’s best when you are near a military base. Then you get to see them from all over. Living near Fort Benning has been interesting- I did not know that the Pacific islands (outside Hawaii) had their own plates as well.
In my home state of South Dakota, I have seen a car with Alaska plates, but only once. Another variation of “license plate tag” that I like to play is to watch for plates with numerals arranged in such a way that they would remind you of the wheel arrangements of steam locomotives. I often scan the serial numbers of dollar bills, and if I come across a dollar bill with a portion of the serial number representing the wheel arrangement of a steam locomotive, I put it away in a desk drawer and save it for a long time.
Our game (played best in Michigan and Ontario) was to use the three-letter prefixes and make the shortest word possible uning those three letters in order (adding as few letters as possible anywhere between or outside them).
Best personalized license plate I ever saw: a wheelchair symbol, followed by “UU2SKI” (used to ski). Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.