The clock just struck 7:00 AM and my wife jumped out of bed to proclaim that the heater went out…HUH?, I told her never too wake me unless there was a real problem, hummmm, I guess the dog frozen to the side of the stove is a good enough reason.
I get up, check things out to find that a simple power interruption caused it to shut down and not restart, so I check the lines and fire it back up, and it worked, we now have heat, and the temps are raising enough to be able to pry the dog off the stove, poor thing, now she is bald on one side.
The water falls that have frozen in the sink spickets are beginning to flow again.
We got more snow last night now I can’t find my way out the doors, I opened the back door to let the dog go out, she jumped into the snow and disappeared, I could see a hump making its way to the poo poo grounds, it stopped for a few moments and than the hump came back where I got to see my dog POP out of the snow and run into the house, covered in the white death.
I chucked her into the clothes dryer and she kept up with it for a while and when I heard her stumble and start getting tossed around pretty good I opened the door and she fell out, she was dry and fluffy like a big ball of fur with a nose sticking out.
I’m so done with this white death that I’m about to jump a train car to the south and no one who has been reading my snow blogs would blame me.
Now the wife is turning blue so I should go defrost her and break the icicles off the curtain rods before they wet my walls.
Stay warm, stay off the ice and stop crying that you live in the south and it is around 50 degrees and your cold…shut it!!!..LOL!!!