I guess rich melvin’s ego has taken a hit…seems the ogr forum will be free after all.Have to be a horses a$$ to think people would pay to have their opinions deleated by the webmaster.All a bunch of BS from the start!!
Seems like someone doesn’t know how to run things over there.
So what is he going to do? Send refunds to all the fools that paid the $18.00 already!!
The news is from someone who attended the York OGR meeting. It seems OGR has secured sponsorship from 4 manufacturers to help defray the cost of the forum in exchange for active links displayed on the forum pages. Refunds will be given.
Keep in mind, Rich did not post this news. I’m just passing along the scuttlebut.
I just got off the OGR Forum and it is a fact. Martin, Rich Melvin was very, very clear on his ground rules from the start. Trains, yes, the refunds will be in the mail.
Ho Hum![zzz]
Apparently many of the manufacturers wanted to sponsor the forum - only if they excluded the some or all of the other competitors. Rich did the right thing and took sponsors that don’t compete with each other.
Regardless - if you have hard feelingts post there, here or anywhere - make your bed were your comfortable. Time to move on…