Oh brother, I can really get used to sound in N!!!

Looks like I made great choices at last!

This Precision Craft E7 with LokSound is just amazing! Even in DC mode!

Check this out!


You get auto-sensing that you are using DC and it still gives you baisc sound functions such as engine start-up, brake squeeks and revs up and down and even Mars light!

And then it’s time to open the MRC Prodigy Advance, DCC can’t get any simpler than this! Even with the advanced model!

Wires in and plug in the power and you got DCC in less than 3 min!!!

Now the loco really comes to life check this out!


You get 15 functions preset with the decoder, you can either use the default loco number of 03 or you can use the roa number which I did in no time with the programme on main and it only take about 10 min before I am familiarise with the basic DCC function of this MRC DCC unit!

Sorry can’t give a more detailed review because I just can’t keep my hands off my new toys!

I think the sound is really not that bad! I think this really has come a long way for N scalers!

I just reserved another E8A and E8B from Precision, this is just incredible!

I can really get use to this now!!! No turning back for me guys! [:D]

Now I am going to clean out half of my desk to build the yard because now these babies takes priority over stupid paperwork! [swg] Somehow I got a feeling that eventually, my home office will become 80% train and just a small space for the chair and the laptop and that’s it…[:P] Oh, and the die-cast planes…

Sounds like a pencil sharpener :slight_smile:

But hey, it’s a step in the right direction, we’ll get there soon…

“I think the sound is really not that bad!”

Am I the only one that finds this statement a little amusing? I am sure If I spent that kind of money on a N scale sound loco…id be finding things that wernt that bad…

Sound in N scale is still a pipe dream. Unless someone changes the physics involved with speakers and air, the sound will always be tinny out of a speaker that tiny.


Give em time, they are findin amazing new ways to increase the surface area of a sound driver while keeping the overal radius low. Who knows what ‘outside of the box’ thinker will come up with next.

On a side note, I am no expert, but wouldnt a diesel of that size have a slightly higher idle speed? (this is an honest question, not a jab at the sound device)

Come on guys! Why is everyone so negative about this!

We are not talking about Dolby 7.1 surround with super sub-woofers here! It’s a tiny scaled model and for it to go that far it’s pretty good already. Besides, depends what you want, all I want is sound to simulate prototypical operation to add that little extra dimension to this scale.

I mean, look, we are just talking about little something to make it that little more real, my purpose is to simulate the real loco that’s going to shook your socks off when it went passed…

The idle is is adjustable so no big deal there…

Come on guys! Share my new found enthusiasm! LOL

In all seriousness, it sounds great! Congratulations!

But… we would all be able to share in this enthusiasm at a much higher level should you purchase a few for us :slight_smile:

[quote user=“Iceman_c27”]

Looks like I made great choices at last!

This Precision Craft E7 with LokSound is just amazing! Even in DC mode!

Check this out!


You get auto-sensing that you are using DC and it still gives you baisc sound functions such as engine start-up, brake squeeks and revs up and down and even Mars light!

And then it’s time to open the MRC Prodigy Advance, DCC can’t get any simpler than this! Even with the advanced model!

Wires in and plug in the power and you got DCC in less than 3 min!!!

Now the loco really comes to life check this out!


You get 15 functions preset with the decoder, you can either use the default loco number of 03 or you can use the roa number which I did in no time with the programme on main and it only take about 10 min before I am familiarise with the basic DCC function of this MRC DCC unit!

Sorry can’t give a more detailed review because I just can’t keep my hands off my new toys!

I think the sound is really not that bad! I think this really has come a long way for N scalers!

I just reserved another E8A and E8B from Precision, this is just incredible!

I can really get use to this now!!! No turning back for me guys! [:D]

Now I am going to clean out half of my desk to build the yard because now these babies takes priority over stupid paperwork! [swg] Somehow I got a feeling that eventually, my home office will become 80% train and just a small space for the chair and the laptop and that’s it…[:P] Oh, and the die-cast planes…

Hahaha…I know, I wouldn’t mind a few more for myself! I absolutely love them! But I think the wife will only allow one per Christmas! LOL

Actually, I think Digitrax already have a decoder for Z without sound but I think for Z to have sound, it will have to have superconductors or something…but yes, I think thw way things are going, it shouldn’t be long now just like the evolution of computers…

Thanks for sharing my enthusiasm! LOL

I am going to wire one myself next week…in a Atlas Dash 8…with the same LokSound decoder…see how that go but gees, things are so tiny because guess what happened, the speaker blew up! LOL But they are sending me a couple of new ones…not sure what happened there…

[quote user=“CAZEPHYR”]

[quote user=“Iceman_c27”]

Looks like I made great choices at last!

This Precision Craft E7 with LokSound is just amazing! Even in DC mode!

Check this out!


You get auto-sensing that you are using DC and it still gives you baisc sound functions such as engine start-up, brake squeeks and revs up and down and even Mars light!

And then it’s time to open the MRC Prodigy Advance, DCC can’t get any simpler than this! Even with the advanced model!

Wires in and plug in the power and you got DCC in less than 3 min!!!

Now the loco really comes to life check this out!


You get 15 functions preset with the decoder, you can either use the default loco number of 03 or you can use the roa number which I did in no time with the programme on main and it only take about 10 min before I am familiarise with the basic DCC function of this MRC DCC unit!

Sorry can’t give a more detailed review because I just can’t keep my hands off my new toys!

I think the sound is really not that bad! I think this really has come a long way for N

I’m glad you are enthused, go for more of them. N is too small to produce good enough sound for me to part with the additional funds. One more thing to go wrong and it’s already hard to pack weight, a decent drive and decoders into those little N scale engines. I recall when sound was starting to develop back before DCC (Steam or Diesel) that people turned the sound off after a while as it became annoying after a while. It was not due to the quality of the sound, it just went from neat and amusing to just plain annoying. If it floats your boat, great, but I don’t see me spending the money on mediocre sound that becomes a nuisance and is one more thing to make loco maintanace that much more difficult and possibly expensive. I’m avoiding jumping on the N sound bandwagon myself.

I was sort of skeptical at first but Precision Craft do make good locos…it’s whispering quiet but I was amazed at the pulling power as well…ok, it has traction tires but it goes effortlessly on my steep section where as others struggles and requires 2 or even 3 in consist to move freely…

Thanks for understanding what I am trying to do…I am not after super bass thumps but just that extra novelty factor into train modeling…make it even more fun…I am happy with it for what I want…

Pretty cool, I’m glad you like it. I am guessing it sounds better in real life and some of the courseness is due to whatever equipment that was used to record it. I was surprised at how ragged sounding the horn was. That is one thing that shouldn’t suffer too much from the tiny speakers.

P.S. Running an E unit in drag freight service will burn out the traction motors. That is how the C&S ruined all the E5s.

The Union Pacific used some of the E9’s in freight service after the passenger service was gone, but added several extra units to keep them from being over loaded. They would not handle drag service without being regeared for slower duties.

Yeah, somehow it sounds a bit better in real life, the video on modern digital camera’s uses too much compression for small files…especially they try to preserve better picture so unfortunately sacrifice a bit of sound…and it’s also a mono mic…

As with the E7’s, when I was researching about the CB&Q E7’s engine specs because I was thinking about getting another one 9926B but it’s a DC only which need DCC conversion, I sort of stumbled upon the history of the E7’s…apparently, UP was the biggest customer and CB&Q is the only one who didn’t order the ‘cabless’ B units and after the passenger train services went dead, they did actually convert all their E7’s for freight but use 2 A’s because they didn’t have any cabless B’s. Where as UP and ATSF at the time had a lot of A’s and B’s so used A-B-B-A for freight around the 60’s. They are amazing units consider they were built at the end of the 40’s after the war. PRR has the only E7 in working order today in their Museum.