oh i could just cry! (To find out why please read enclosed message) LOL!

Hi again

I haven’t been on this forum for a while but know i’m back! (Oh not again!)

Anyway i have yet another MRR delema.I dont know why because i dont have a layout to have a delema about! but thats just it.

I can not decide on a track plan. I have 3x6 to work with. (better than 2x6)!

i am frustrated that Mikes small track plans website doesnt work. Anyway could somebody please give some advise. i want to have 2 mainlines.

Im not asking you to find me a plan because i am trying to myself but i you happen to come across one could you please just tell me it. I really appreciate it and value the advise on this forum.

Many thanks


I am wet behind the ears when it comes to knowledge of such things. Please forgive me if I am suggesting something obvious which you already have, but Iain Rice’s book, Small, Smart and Practical Track Plans, might be worthwile. I have enjoyed what I have read, and it has been well written, and not ovely technical.

Thanks Jacob,

I am not sure what you mean about “Wet behind the ears” but i will keep my eyes open for that book.

Many thanks Jacob


HO scale? 15 inch radius, mostly switching or early era modeling with short cars, or do HOn3.

or go Streetcars/Interurbans with freight.

Or maybe you’re modelling G-guage and your numbers are in meters?

3x6 in HO? Consider it a challenge. Switching and scenery had better be your forte.


A couple questions …

  1. What scale will you be using? HO or N?

  2. Is it 3 feet x 6 feet; or 3 meters x 6 meters? (I ask since I know you’re in Australia; and feet or meters makes a big difference.)
    If you can answer those questions, then maybe we’ll be able to better help you with ideas or places to look for ideas.

By the way … [#welcome] back.

PS : “Wet behind the ears” means “still fairly new to this”.


: N scale
:3x6 Feet
:Space does mean alot in Aus because there no basement!

Many thanks


Pavariangoo, Here is something you may have overlooked. Since your modeling in N scale in a space of 3X6 feet, look at HO trackplans for a space of 4X8 feet and up. With a little tweaking here and there, they could easily be down sized for your 3X6 space. I did that back in the sixty’s and was quite pleased with the results. Remember, basicly an HO trackplan that will fit in a space of 6X12 feet would reduce down to a space of 3X6 in N scale, Ken

Don’t Cry!

Kalmbach prints two very good books that should answer your prayers… Honest!

101 Track plans by L. Wescott
48 Top Notch Plans

Well worth the investment


my pop has one if not both of those books, i vaguely remember a trackplan on a door in 48 top notch track plans so i will go and check it out and tell you what i come up with,

thanks for the help

Kristian .aka pavariangoo


i think the trackplan is called buzzard cove from 48 top notch track plans

if you have the book you will see it is very similar to what i am trying to acheive.

I somehow have to modify it to have 2 mainlines and possible an inglenook or other form of yard. Where it has the “runaround” near the crossing i might add a second runaround to form ladders.

ill think about it more

many thanks


Sorry about the tiny pic but if you go to http://www.the-gauge.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21975&stc=1 you will see the plan.


let me go into detail

The ladder yard is above the black line of track. The black line of track runs under the yard and it will look like a tunnel

Each end of the layout goes up a grade to the yard

Any questions/comments?

Many thanks



here’s some good beginner track plans at www.atlasrr.com chuck

The plan is kind of hard to make out because of its teeniness–in order to lift the yard up above the other loop, the grades would be obscenely steep, and it looks like the switches for the spurs erupt randomly from the curves on either end.

Here’s a page from the Thor Trains site which shows a 3x6 track plan that can start out simple and end up complex–with two loops, a passing siding, several industrial spurs and even a couple of small yards:


Here’s another one:


Here’s one with only one loop, but you could work the yards on the outside while a second train goes around the loop without interfering with switching/shunting:


Oh yeah, “wet behind the ears” is an American expression referring to someone who is an amateur.

I agree with Ken. If you can’t find what you are looking for, start with a 4x8 HO plan. One with “very sharp” curves usually means 15" which will do you well in N. Most consider “sharp” 18", which is a step up. Any yards, sidings, double-track sections and towns will compress, so you’ll wind up with more room than you thought you had. You can even start with the original HO 4x8 and add a few things here and there until you have what you like.

Wish I had the 101 Track Plans book with me, since I don’t have a lot else to do around here today.


Thanks for the responses!!!

I didnt expect sooooo many, Its great!


I know one thing for sure. My layout has to have ladders. I love them. I just think they look cool. I wouldnt ming a turntable but it would look out of place on a 3x6

I feel sooo close to haveing a trackplan to stick with!

I like this http://www.atlasrr.com/Code80/pages/11007.htm (It’s unique)

I like this http://www.atlasrr.com/Code80/pages/11009.htm (but i’m not sure how i’d put ladders in

This is nice http://www.atlasrr.com/Code80/pages/11018.htm (But i’m not bill gates)lol!

This would be good as a 2x Mainline http://www.atlasrr.com/Code80/pages/11012.htm

Any of those with Ladders and minimal switches would be great.

I looked at thors site and i like those too.

www.carendt.com is nice but is a bit too small! but was great fun to look at.

Thanks for the help and if anyone could work out how to fit ladders in to one of those layouts it would be great.

I will be trying to but microsoft paint is hardly scale!

Many thanks


You might try an outer oval as the first track and an inner figure eight as your second track. You could put a mountain on one end with tunnels which would make your layout appear bolder.

Just a thought…


WHAT HE SAID!!![#ditto][#ditto][#ditto]

This is THE best site for small layouts, be sure to check the links to other small layout sites. Check out all the small layout ideas, there has to be something here that if nothing else will help you solve the delemas of your layout plan. If I can cram a G scale layout into 4 1/2 x 6 1/2 , HO or N should be a breeze after gleeming this site, Good Luck with it.

From Carl’s website…

try this one on for size[;)]

For more info check out …
