Oh No He's at it again! Yet another geared monstrosity in the works

It’s all Dave Fletcher’s fault (Fletch). Should never have taken that MLS Masterclass…taught me lots of modelmaking saucery and wizardry.

I drew this up in my sketchbook a couple weeks ago. I call it the Shay-kirk, kinda a combination Shay and Dunkirk. Its based on an On30 model I saw in Light Iron Digest. I like to do a general sketch of almost everything I build, no scale, no measurements, just an idea of what I want to build, helps me visualize it mentally.

Didnt think I’d get around to it anytime soon. I had almost everything needed, my favorite building platform AKA an HLW El Cheepo gondola, the cab off a derelect Bug Hauler, and the 2 power bricks. I had even put the basic sprinkler pipe boiler together.

Well Friday my wife came down sick, headcold. She got home from work, I did what I could to help till she passed out asleep real early that evening,

Hmmmm…what to do…what to do…

I was able to dremel away the undercarraige frame parts in the way and mount the bricks before 9pm, by 10 I had the cab mounted and the boiler cut down to size. .

By Saturday PM I had the boiler well along and sheethed with styrene.

By Sunday PM I had the boiler rivet panels done, smokebox done. and added the air pump stack and domes. Thanks again Dave!

Monday got backhead partially done, still need to make a firebox door, a water pipe, and add some speghetti pipes.


What do you get when you combine a dreary weekend, a sick wife, and a bored model railroader…stay tuned for pics tonight[:D]

Hey Vic,
Been busy again I see…great! Been very busy here…just not with trains. Oh well…have a few minutes to see what’s up here. Can’t wait for the pics. Later eh…Brian.

1st Mock up

Boiler underway

As of tonight

Next up, the fuel bunker and the end beams.[:D]

You sure make it look easy! Great work there, Vic!

No, I would say it looks more like the last of the geared Baldwins. I presume there are three transverse cylinders under the cab?



Ralph, yep, if you look at the drawing they’re shown under the cab. I have a big lead weight I want to add under the frame, and use the engine help cover it. When thats installed this thing should be able to pull stumps!


Just how much do you enjoy frustrating some of us with your masterpieces? Looks like you’ve got some more fun lined up. I would wish you luck, but don’t think you need any, besides you must be having fun.

Hey Vic,
Yet another great project underway. Good for you. What’s the color scheme going to be??? Later eh…Brian.

Brian I dunno yet, just rolling with it right now…

Tom, ya never know how easy or hard it is till you try it, check out the Masterclass articles on MLS and see if your interested. I think they may be doing a Porter 0-6-0 later this year, I wont do it, I got too many as it is an besides I like then geared puppies more.

Hi all, just a couple pics of a little progress. Wifes really been on the warpath home improvement-wise. Now were going to redo the bathroom before we do the garage, so my personal time has all but vanished! Got all the tile so we start this week!
Anyway, here they are…

Fuel bunker added:

Various plumbing:

Heres another small project I was hoping to have done by the Big Train Show, I was hoping to have BOTH done but that ain’t happening. So heres a little peek, a little companion speeder to last years Silver Bullet. Its a sort of M.A.C. speeder used on northwest logging lines.



No one can accuse you of NOT having FUN! Looking very good sir.

Very nice! Is that from a HLW Mack? What’s the motor block?

Ray, the chassis is no-name cheesemaster gondola I got off a no-name G-scale battery toy train set I got for less than $40 . Its similar to the supra-cheepo gondola K-line offered a few years ago. The cab and hood are from an HLW mack, the drive block is from a MDC Hustler. I still need to scratch some undercarraige framework and eventually an interior for the cab.

very impressive indeed . hope your wifes a lot better , despite the noise from your construction works…

that’s killer!

Its been a while but finally finished painting this one.

just add decals and a bit of weathering and this ones finished.

very impressive - what model trucks did you use btw?

Those are Aristo centercab bricks, with the HLW sidebars attached to them.

That looks great! much better in black than the red.See the trucks came out sucessfuly.[tup] What did you use for the boiler dietals?