Ohio teenager struck by train while text messaging

Teenager struck by train while texting

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Associated Press - August 21, 2007 1:33 AM ET

ELMWOOD PLACE, Ohio (AP) - A teenager who was text messaging on his cell phone while walking across railroad tracks was struck by a train and seriously injured.

Witnesses in a Cincinnati suburb say Zachariah Smith waited for one train to pass, then walked around a gate, apparently unaware another train was coming from the opposite direction. He was thrown about 50 feet and knocked out by the collision.

The 18 year-old is reported in serious condition at a Cincinnati hospital.

The mayor of Elmwood Place, Ohio, says Smith “apparently was just daydreaming.” The mayor talked to several witnesses at the scene.


So sad that things like this happen repeatedly. I hope he recovers, the crew is ok, and some other kid learns from this mistake!

For those of us who dont read Japanese style:

ELMWOOD PLACE, Ohio (AP) - A teenager who was text messaging on his cell phone while walking across railroad tracks was struck by a train and seriously injured.

Witnesses in a Cincinnati suburb say Zachariah Smith waited for one train to pass, then walked around a gate, apparently unaware another train was coming from the opposite direction. He was thrown about 50 feet and knocked out by the collision.

The 18 year-old is reported in serious condition at a Cincinnati hospital.

The mayor of Elmwood Place, Ohio, says Smith “apparently was just daydreaming.” The mayor talked to several witnesses at the scene.

“apparently was just daydreaming.”

WOW: No sympathy from me, look up definition of “stupid” you’ll see his picture…and there are idiots who do this while driving…Oy vey.