Ok they have been contacted

----- Original Message -----
To: zacktmoore@yahoo.com ; tom.zeinz@cn.ca ; Cliffshoemaker@aol.com ; Beth.boardman@fra.dot.gov ; brian.gilleran@fra.dot.gov ; Finkelstein, Robert ; ron.ries@fra.dot.gov ; tom.woll@fra.dot.gov ; vkohli@fulcrum_corp.com ; Bill.youngblood@gtri.gatech.edu ; Rivera, Arnel ; allen.pepper@kcsr.com ; billshrewsberry@dotd.state.la.us ; rherstein@sha.state.md.us ; zaldivarf@state.mi.us ; sedelman@gw.dot.state.ny.us ; bfarrington@dot.state.nh.us ; msoper@dot.state.nh.us ; gizmarceau@dot.state.nj.us ; craig.j.reily@state.or.us ; csimon@railroadcontrols.com ; dsrnensk@dot.state.tx.us ; krouse@up.com ; Mark.Morrison@dot.state.wi.us ; Browder, William ; pfrench@aar.org ; pollicm@amtrak.com ; demetra.collia@bts.gov ; Evelyn.Hendricks@fra.dot.gov ; Amamani@fra-safety.net ; arnel.rivera@induscorp.com ; Jeffery.Wynn@induscorp.com ; Vhoffman@fra-safety.net ; gstephen@mail.state.mo.us ; kloeppm@ntsb.gov ; paul.schneider@dot.state.nj.us ; todd.hirt@dot.state.nj.us ; rcruz@dot.state.nc.us ; Ottinge@dot.state.pa.us ; aulakhr@dot.state.pa.us ; Earl.Stitzer@VirginiaDOT.org ; Michael.Wray@VirginiaDOT.org ; steven.hennessee@VirginiaDOT.org ; hoyrich@aol.com ; wwrail@aol.com ; scott_thomas@dot.state.ak.us ; stacy.sauer@bnsf.com ; watts@cn.ca ; Jim_Krieger@cpr.ca ; Mary_Steely@cpr.ca ; jim_thomas@CPR.CA ; john.dinning@cn.ca ; john.valerio@dot.state.co.us ; Steve_Ramsey@csx.com ; chuck_gullakson@csx.com ; HarrisW@OIG.DOT.GOV ; BATESJ@OIG.DOT.GOV ; william.bremer@fhwa.dot.gov ; rwebb@hanson-inc.com ; gossrowag@nt.dot.state.il.us ; JHOWE@ICC.STATE.IL.US ; SLAFFEY@ICC.STATE.IL.US ; shull@indot.state.in.us ; Vicki.Hoffman@induscorp.com ; james.gibson@dot.state.ia.us ; dmogan@metrarr.com ; drosenth@dor.state.ne.us ; bvonasek@dor.state.ne.us ; dagilber@nscorp.com ; leah.dalton@puc.state.oh.us ; dzarowny@patrickengineering.co ; khamm@bsda.org ; swberki@up.com ; depeters@up.com ; rex.hinrichs@dot.state.wi.us ; maria.hart@dot.state.wi.us ; Neal.Perkins@dot.state.wy.us ; David.Clabaugh@dot.state.wy.us ;

We now have “tweedle dee” back again. Where’s “tweedle dumb?”

Did you all hear about the three legged dog that walked in the bar?
He wanted to know who shot his paw!

Brian (KY)

His Maw?? Al

Whats black and white and sleeps two? A Norfolk Southern engine!!

this is the best one of this group! The other one is a real groaner - but I like Alfred’s answer


HEY! cheeter, you erased the “FROM” addy!

I was going to SPAM you for a change!


detour kev.

Today is trash day.I thought I had it all out to the curb.I got a special bin for the m&m twins.It comes with padding and little white coats ha ha ho ho he he hah!
have a great weekend
stay safe

LOL Tim that’s really good.

Detour Kev.