First, I know they are cheap/poor excuses for decoders (that’s why I removed them in the first place) but in a fit of budget consciousness I have reused a few of the 4-function decoders that I removed previously from DCC equipped Bachmann trains. However, using Decoder Pro or even straight from my Zephyr controller I cannot get the decoder to respond to the programming.
Now, this isn’t the old problem of the decoder not registering on the programming track without a resistor/load attached. The programming works insofar as I see the loco response as the CVs are read into the decoder, and the decoder reads back the correct CV values for the speed table, and the cv/button for “use speed table”. this all seems to enter the decoder and be read back from the decoder, but…
But the values are not evident in the operation of the loco. That is, no matter how low or slow start curve I give the loco, it still responds to the throttle as if it is a straight line curve to maximum speed and I cannot get it to react to any speed curve entered.
This is true for both decoders of this type I use.
I have a digitrax “booster” on my programming track and have even tried the old trick of adding a resistor across the rails, but no dice.
Odd, since the values seem read in.
I suspect the value for "use speed table is not actually being accepted. What CV and setting do I use for this on the EZ Command 4 function decoders?