OLD DAD's list


Now that Larry’s list is posted as a “sticky”, how can we add to it from time to time? Since the thread cannot be added to by forum members do we send our new site addresses to you?



Hi Walt,

By “locking” the thread, I didn’t mean to discourage new additions to the list. I reposted it as a separate thread because the old thread had lots of posts, making it confusing and cumbersome.

I am able to edit the post anytime, so if you (or anyone) have links to add, either email me directly at rschweitzer@kalmbach.com or just put a post in the forum here. I’ll be happy to maintain/update it as needed.



Thanks for the reply.


Fortunately i am going off Schindlers list on to Old Dad’s list; I know which i would rather be on.

Rgds Ian

Ian, if you were on Schindler’s List, I would wish you Rosh Hannukah Shalom! as it’s that time of year!

you may wi***o add links to the latest 2 GR plans building logs in the GR plans forum.
Plan sets # 63 & 68