Old E&C Shops Kit

I have two E&C Shops kits, one which I built as is and another which I am going to repaint and rebadge. I noticed the color of the boxcar body was the same inside and out, and that the roof piece was uniformly silver (steel) both outside and underneath. Does anybody recall if these models were molded in particular colors or painted, as the “Super Clean” purple paint removal solution I use (purple stuff) easily removed the printed on lettering, but the body colors remain intact. Cedarwoodron

I’m not familiar with the kit’s in question,but take a xacto knife and put a little scrape in the paint,where it can’t be seen and that should answer your question…



Did the scratch test- turns out the underlying color of the car body is green (it is/ now was) a BN boxcar, and the color-specific BN paint was overlaid. The car roof is a silver toned styrene, which was then painted steel. The removed steel paint revealed swirls in the silver styrene, indicating a molded color. Cedarwoodron