I ran across this little line inspection rail runner in one of my tours around Central Alberta. It`s amazing what you will find in some little tiny towns [:D]
Neat detail shot!
Somebody needs to take a comb to the radiator fins!
Ah, yes, the 'ol Fairmont speeder, or, as we used to call them when we were kids, putt putt cars. I grew quite fond of these little cars, as right across from where I lived in my pre-school years, was the little small town depot, which also housed one (or at times several) of these motor cars; a track maintenance crew was based out of there. I would watch them as the crew got ready for the trip down the tracks, loading up the flatbed trailer car with the needed tools, fueling up the moror car, etc. Several manufacturers make HO scale versions of either kits or “RTR” models of these cars, of which I have modeled one of the two kits that I have. I’m not sure, but I believe there are also models available that actually run. Mine does not. I even scratchbuilt a motor car shed to go along with it.