old Lambert switch machines wired to Atlas switch controls

There are four wires leaving the Lambert switch machines and there are three terminals for the wiring of the Atlas remote switch controls…I’ve tried every combination except the right one… what am I missing??

Help, help, help…

Hi Eric;

I am guessing here, but as an Engineer, I will probably guess correctly.

First get out your multimeter (buy one for less than $10 if you do not have one). You will find that there are two coils in the switch machine, each will relative low resistance (less than 10 ohms), that are electrically isolated. Pick one wire from each coil (does not matter which), and attach the two together. The other two wires (one from each coil) go to the Atlas control.

Again the with you multimeter, and nothing else connected to the Atlas control, determine which is the input connection, and which are the two outputs.

One of the two wires from the Lambert goes to one output, and one to the other output. For now it does not matter which, you can always flip them. The input connection goes to one of the AC terminals on your power supply (12 to 20 VAC) or the output of you CD unit.

The two wires that you connected together earlier on the Lambert go to the other AC terminal, or the the ground connection on your CD unit.

If you do not know what a CD unit is, don’t worry about it for now.

wow…great explanation. I’ll give it a shot. Thanks for your time.
