Happy new year too all! Now for my question, does anyone remember a book called BUILDING AN HO MODEL RAILROAD WITH PERSONALITY by John Olson. I had this book years ago and cant find it now. I am thinking of building this for my new layout but can’t remember how many trains could be run at one time. Don’t wanna buy another copy through AMAZON if its not a layout thats fun to build and a challenge to operate. thanks in advance for all your help and input.
Yes, I had this book also and made good use of how John did things. He, along with Malcom Furlow were great inspiratons for me. I belive Isold both of these books on Ebay several years ago.
Great book, Jerome and Southwestern Railroad. You could operate 2 trains, one on the loop, and one on the mine branch. Maybe three with a switcher working on the wharf extension,
I was going to suggest that you not be cheap and spend a few bucks for the book. After all, what could a book originally priced at about $4.50 be selling for?
And then I looked. Used copies on Amazon are priced from $15.50, and a new copy is from $121.40 (http://www.amazon.com/Building-Model-Railroad-With-Personality/dp/0890240426). Barnes and Noble has used starting at $40, and new from $149.94 (http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/building-an-h-o-model-railroad-with-personality-john-olson/1000487598).
Wow. I guess I invested in the wrong things.
I think that book is just a compilation of articles that appeared in MR. If you use the MR magazine search and look for John Olson, you’ll find that the first article on the Jerome and Southwestern was in the February 1982 issue, the second article was in the April 1982 issue, and so forth. You can probably buy all these issues from MR for a lot less than what the book (new) would cost you. Or if you frequent train shows you might find these back issue for 50 cents each.
jhinpa, I have a copy of that book. It’s labeled handbook #18.
Is that theone you’re looking for?
If the cover looks like the one in the link I posted above (http://www.amazon.com/Building-Model-Railroad-With-Personality/dp/0890240426) it is. But I don’t think so.
Same book except the label of handbook18.
Might be a later printing. Give me an address and you can have it. It’s in good shape.
That would be awsome!
Thank you all very much for the information. I will keep in touch with my progress on the layout
when I get started!