Old Model Power Loco vs. New NCE Decoder

Would like to install a NCE- D13SR decoder in an old Model Power F2-A loco, just one question.

After isolating the motor from the frame (checked with meter and no continunity) and removing track pick-up wires and light wires from the motor, according to NCE Install notes. Does this properly isolate both motor brushes from the track wiring or do I need to do something else? Motor works on DC just fine.

No continuity means you are ok. How much current with 12 volts DC on the motor?


You are almost certainly fine, but since you have the tools to check why not do a test to be sure. Check for continuity from each motor contact to the wheel sets that have the track pick ups. There should of course be no continuity between either motor contact and any of the wheel sets.

I would also do a check between the wheel sets and the frame, just to see if you have a “hot” frame.

Here is a link from the fabulous TCS web site that may provide you with some additional help


Installation should be exactly the same as the TCS pictures, since the D13 is a similar decoder to the T1. Don;t forget to put tape ont he frame where the decoder sits since the NCE decoders don;t have shrink wrap to insulate the components. Do NOT ‘cheat’ and wrap the tape around the decoder, this can cause the decoder to overheat.
