About 25 or 30 years ago (mid 70s) there was a scale model railroad flyer I picked up at rr show. I was a kid then and it got me interested more than just “playing with trains”. I don’t remember what it was titled, but I think it was a two color pamphlet (black and red), had black and white photos, maybe a dozen pages thick - more or less. Did Kalmbach publish such a thing promoting the hobby? Did someone else? Any clues about what the title was and where I might be able to find one would be helpful. I
Greetings to Oostburg from Fox Point just south of you on I-43. Kalmbach has over the years published a large number of brochures like the one you mention and they usually had info on how to subscribe to Model Railroader. THe first one I got was back in the 1950s when my folks’ church had a father/son night and got the free moviess from Kalmbach promoting model trains. They got a box of these pamphlets as part of the deal. To this day I can recite entire articles almost by heart – and I learned other guys my age can too: Your Introduction To Scale Model Railroading
Dave Nelson
Thanks Dave. Any idea where I could find one of these for my collection. Mine has long since disappeared, but I’m sure someone out there might have one they’re willing to part with.
Henry Wagner
Henry the last time I was at the swap meet in DuPage I saw a guy selling a stack of these old pamphlets BUT – he wanted a pretty penny for them, up to $5 each I think. As always value is in the eye of the beholder …
Dave Nelson