old MR from the 40's-50's

I know a lot of people have surplus MR at home, i got to train show and i always come back with a dozen or so MR from tears past, was just wondering if anyone had some from the 40’s-50’s to give away… trying to complete my collection

I dumped mine years ago. There isn’t a lot about them of value today. Only an occasional article about buildings is of use. All the electrical informatoion is hopelesly outdated. Most of the drawings were done in actual dimensions for the scale they were built in (cut a piece of strip wood 1 1/4" long). The layouts for the most part were roundy rounds and all of the reviews of equipment are outdated. There was a series of bluebooks designed to be cut out and placved in a three ring binder but I suspect they eventually would up in a Kalmbach publication. I would get them only if you have shelf space you want to fill up that youhave no other use for. Ideally Kalmbach could republish them on CD or DVD for those who want them

Sorry no extras. My collection lacks about 6 issues back to 1948 with a couple before that. I chose 1948 because that’s when the magazine increased to the current size.

I have occasionally seen back issues in antique shops.

Good luck


Having all the MRs on CD is an excellent idea. Some buildings on my old layout where from plans published in MR dating back to the 1950s. The old MRs have excellent articles on the prototypes which will always be useful. I also find the scratchbuiding steam loco articles very interesting.