Old P2K vs New P2K

Does anyone know if the non-sound P2K GP7/9 shells will fit the new sound equipped P2K GP9 frames?



I hope so, I just bought one of of Ebay very cheap. I’m going to swap a Ontario Northland GP 9 shell onto it. I’ll let you know in a week or two.

I don’t know for sure, but it probably would because the only changes between the two would be to allow room for the decoder and speakers. The basic frame length, width and design should be very similar.

I’m planning something similar.

I have a P2K SCL GP9 that I’d like to put on top of a QSI sound chassis. The horn is not correct, but I can live with it. The sound out of those QSI equipped units is impressive.

On one hand, it wold be great if they are, I’d bu up a bunch of odd road GP9’s with sound and swap my Reading GP7 shells on.

Onthe other hand - I kind of hope they aren’t - so I won’t be tempted to spend the money! [:D]

Looking at pictures of the sound 9’s with the shell off, it looks like you MIGHT have to remove the crew figures, otherwise it should fit fine. Guess I will have to wait until Trainworld does a clearance sale on the road names no one wants and give it a try.
