Does anyone remember an old track layout that was just one continuous ran-on with no switches I think it had a couple of 90degree turns and a 45 degree in it
If so does anyone know where I can get a plan of it
Just 10 blocks from the Old A.C. & Y. Yards
boneheadbassboy: there was such an article in the March, 2005, issue of CTT. It’s on p.77 written by Arthur O’Connor.
Very creative piece of track work. I landed up using a variation of it on my 2005 Christmas layou and it really worked well - making it SEEM that trains were changing direction.
You may also try the Lionel homepage as I believe they have a similar layout there. I used it to make a 0-27 layout to test some old trains.
Is this what you are thinking of/
Thanks everybody for help in tracking down the plans
I really appreciate it