old train set

High I have an old train set that was given to me by my uncle that got it from his uncle can you help me value the item.

It is a Marx Mechanical Diesel train set in the original box with original directions. It has a price tag of $2.98 on it.

Any help would be appreciated

Michael .C

Hi Michael,

Thanks for posting such a detailed description. I am primarilly a Lionel collector, but I do have a small collection of Marx tin trains. I will be seeing some of my Marx collecting freinds on Saturday. I will pump them for information relative to your set and I can look at their Marx collectors guides. I will post what I find out Saturday night.

I the meantime, you may want to search the current E-bay listings for Marx. I looked quickly and there are currently several versions of the “Bogota” and “Montclair” passenger cars there with photos.

Tim P.


Michael .C

Hi Michael,

If you can provide more details on the set and its components we may be able to identify when the set was made and its current value. The following information would help:

Set number off the box.
Wording on the box.
description of each train car in the set including the type of car (hopper, box, caboose) color, wording and numbering on car.
Information labled on transformer.
Any instruction sheet included.

Tim P.

Hi Michael,

A couple more things.

Condition is also very important. There are a couple nice article on the internet to help you better understand the toy train market and pricing.

Allen W. Miller has a nice article on the Lionel.com site. See the following address:


Look under “Resources” then “guidelines for Collectors”

There is also an article here on the Trains.com site that provides similar information. See the following address:


Tim P.

I will get the information tonight and post it to the site thank you for the information!!

I do not see a set number anywhere

Wording on the box top

Description and wording on box top

Michanical Diesel Train Set


Louis Marx & CO … INC., 200 5th AVE.,N.Y.,n.Y., U.S.A.

The box top is red black and brown it has a picture of a train leaving a city with a guy marking down the time of the train or something

The long sides of the box have the following text

Side 1 :
The Marx Train Set contained herein is manufactured under and protected by one or more of the following patents:

No. 1,952,713 No. 2,131,877 No. 2,226,875 No. 2,277,455
No. 1,956,954 No. 2,167,249 No. 2,233,075 No. 2,327,509


Side 2:


The short sides of the box have the following text(same for both ends)

Side 1:

Engine is a green, yellow and black and has the words SEABOARD and the number 4000

It also has MADE BY MARX on it.

Car #1 is green yellow and black it has PULLMAN MONTCLAIR on it

Is also has a round decaled type item that says MADE IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NEW YOURK N.Y. MAR TOYS (with an X though the Mar to make up Marx)

Car #2 is green yellow and black it has PULLMAN MONTCLAIR on it

Is also has a round decaled type item that says MADE IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NEW YOURK N.Y. MAR TOYS (with an X though the Mar to make up Marx)

Car #3 is green yellow and black it has PULLMAN BOGOTA on it

Is also has a round decaled type item that says MADE IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NEW YOURK N.Y. MAR TOYS (with an X though the Mar to make up M

Hi Michael,

I was surfing the net tonight and came upon the following web address:


It shows a Marx set that appears to be the same as the one you have. Let me know if this is the one you have.

Tim P.

Hi Michael,

I was able to get a copy of “Greenberg’s Guide to Marx Trains, Volume III Sets”. The volume I have is from 1991. Your specific set is not specifically listed. The forward indicates that not as much is known about Marx production as is know about Lionel and American Flyer. But there is quite a lot of information in the book that can help identify your set.

The book states that freight sets were much more popular than passenger sets. That tends to indicate that passenger sets today may be more collectable today than the freights. It also means there is less information about Marx’s passenger set production.

There are three mechanical diesel freight sets identified in the above book that incorporate the Seaboard diesel.

Set# 732 Diesel Freight Set
Locomotive: 4000, Seaboard, FM, A-Unit, Tin litographed
Boxcar: 37971 PRR merchandise
Gondola: 241708, B&O
Gondola: 91257, Seaboard, red
Caboose: 956 Seaboard
Track: 027, two rail
Set includes 500 key. IS-71 and IS-146 instruction sheets
Comes in a yellow and red box and was cataloged in 1956

They have a photo of the set and the box is exactly the same cover as you described in your post above. The values of this set were $40 in very good condition and $70 in excellent condition.

Set# 734(B) Diesel Freight Set
Locomotive: 4000, Seaboard, FM, AA-Units, Tin litographed
Gondola: 241708, B&O
Tank Car: 553, UTLX, silver
Caboose: 956 Seaboard, green
Track: 027, two rail
Set includes 500 key. IS-71 and IS-146 instruction sheets
Comes in a yellow and red box, 1950s

They also have a photo of the set and the box is exactly the same cover as you described in your post above. The values of this set were $60 in very good condition and $110 in excellent condition.

Set# 793 Diesel Freight Set
Locomotive: 4000, Seaboard, FM, AA-Units, Tin litographed
Gondola: 241708, B&O