I am sure this has been asked before, so my apologies up front. Is there a downloadable or some other instantly acquirable way to get an operating manual for a postwar ZW Transformer before computers came into the picture? I just purchased one (an old one) and although I am comfortable in hooking up the ZW as I have a KW and some other older and smaller transformers, I have recently moved and now have a basement, a big basement, and the old 4X8 is out of the question. I am looking to go at least 3X as large and will need a good bit of track and switchers, both L and R to make a new layout.
I don’t know of any websites to get info from but others do. There was an instruction manual that Lionel Trains put out during the 50’s or 60’s and came with most train sets and told all about the differant transformers and voltage output combinations on most of Lionel train transformers, also mentioned about Lionel’s majic electrol control for two trains, something that didn’t catch on back in the 50’s. Majic Electrol used the same solonoid set-up found on their steam loco tenders and the e-unit in locomotives, giving you the ability to shut power down to one train(cycled the e-unit to nuetral) while running another train on the same track. I am not sure but these may have been sold as a set with two trains.