Oldest active railroad headquarters in the country? Dating to civil war era-
It looks better with a train shed.
Excerpt from The Central Vermont Railway: A Yankee Tradition by Robert C. Jones (1981)
The decision to move the Vermont Central’s shops from Northfield to St Albans was an important event in the history of the shire town of Franklin County as it marked the beginning of a period of great growth and prosperity for the community. However, with St Albans functioning as headquarters for both the Vermont Central and Vermont & Canada, office space soon became in short supply. The old building was remodeled and additions were made, but it was obvious that within a few years an entirely new structure would have to be built.
Early in 1862, the officials purcha
1866 to be exact on date. The old floor creak under your feet. G&W dispatches its network of short lines out of this building so its not just former CV.
I really enjoyed the old film on youtube BTW thank you