on-line dealers whos good or bad

I hate to admit it but my LHS has not seemed very responsive to some of my N-scale needs I have looked around at some unline dealers and they have the stuff I am looking for 4Nscale is one and onlinetrains is another. Have you used these or other on-line dealers and how well did thjey do


I’ve used Trainworld / Trainland a few times and didn’t have any problems. Most of the time if they are regular advertisers in Model Railroader, they should be OK, and most have web sites that you can go to and check prices etc.

There seems to be only one with a very bad reputation, Internet Trains.com.


I have done mostly all of my past dealings with First Hobby (www.firsthobby.com) and I haven’t had any problems. They ship pretty quick, too.


I had never been to first hobby, never heard of them. I have now book marked their site as I have spent the last hour and a half “window shopping” there. I will diffinitely buy there and really appreciate your referring people to them. If I get bad service I will hunt you down. Just kidding. Thanks!

I have been using Hobbyland (e-hobbyland.com) for the past several years for ordering future releases. There web site is ok but I would suggest you contact them about receiving their quarterly mailings that lists all of the future releases, make sure you specify your scale. Their prices, service, and shipping has been excellent.


I do most of my dealings (When my LHS can’t provide) with DCC hobbies. I’m at work so I don’t have their URL, but they go the extra mile, and then some.

I recommmend:




I wouldn’t go with www.internettrains.com

…and not really www.hobbylinc.com , they list certain items in stock, then tell you a few days later that most of the items you ordered aren’t even available. [tdn]

I’ve had a few great dealings with NHSHOBBIES.com. I think i’m going to try M.B.Klein next time though. I like the idea of real time “in stock” on their site and their prices are excellent.
Can’t forget about Walthers either!

heres a few good ones






I’m into N scale and have used all of these guys and they are all good

Done deals with modeltrainstuff.com (excellent) and wholesaletrains.com (excellent). one other great site: blueridgehobbies.com. i gotta visit their shop next time I’m in greenville. Great savings (powercab foir $136 something sound good?)