I believe that one should look to Webster to understand the limits of the model-railroading hobby. It is defined as “a pursuit outside one’s regular occupation engaged in especially for relaxation.”
If you find pleasure and relaxation from your hobby nothing else matters.
I spent an extraordinary amount of time constructing bench work and building models. I bought locomotives for more money than I spent for my first car without any hesitation. I have wasted more time creating details on a scene that even a museum would do which no one but me would ever see.
Am I crazy? Sometimes my wife thinks so. I do it now because it relaxes me.
I will admit that many years ago when I was young I spent my time and money on cigarettes, whiskey and wild-wild women for relaxation but my tastes have changed for the better.
Don’t psychoanalyze your hobby just follow it as closely as any other source of pleasure and relaxation “if it feels good do it.”