Late last year (I believe), Model Railroader featured a story about lasrge ship models and waterfront scenes. I seem to have lost that issue, thought I have managed to find one of the manufacturers mentioned: Deans Marine.
An issue or two after that, a reader commented in a letter to the editor about the article and gave the web address of another company with some neat ship models in HO scale. All I can remember is that is was a European firm (? Denmark). They have one or two US distributors - one in California as I recall.
Does anyone have that issue laying around? Can you point me to this other model firm?
Thank you.
I remember reading that article, I was hoping someone knew, I think one was Sylvan or something like that, and the European one was something that begins with an “S” also, like seatran or something similar. Have you tried the search feature at MR for past issues?
Maybe the below link can help you. Even the 1/96 ships can work out nice. With the size of some of these things you would need a lot of space. Anyhow, good luck finding the info.
Welcome SkipHoist to the forum!! I wish we had the room to add a waterfront to the OMRS layout. I found the marine article a few months ago very interesting. I think the one remaining open area is going to be our engine roundhouse and turntable location.
Sylvan makes a Great Lakes freighter, as does Bearco Marine and Great Lakes Freighters (nice ships). I have seen a couple of these built-up and they are beautiful (wish I had space for them).
However, it was Liberty Ship style I was after.
I did find the manufacturer through some other seearhes. It’s Deans Marine out of England (big ships, including small container ships)), but I am still looking for that other reference (mentioned in a letter to the editor) about another European firm. I had visited their web page and found some wonderful models easily adaptable to US railroading. Unfortunately, I had a computer crash and lost that link…
So, if anyone can find that reference in an issue of MR (one or two months after the original article appeared about the big ships), I would really appreciate it.
Don’t know if this is the one you’re seeking, but there is a Netherlands outfit, Artitec:
Last I knew their two North American distributors were:
Among other things, Artitec has two different kits for small rail ferries. ANd, although it is in N and Z primarily, there is Searails:
They offer marine, intermodal, refineries and harborcraft.
NMRA Life 0543