Here is an old video of my layout. Be warned, quality is not great and it is long but it gives an idea of my track plan. So watch none of it , a bit of it, or all of it.
I Double Dog Dare all of you,[(-D] to post a video of your layouts so as we can get a better understanding of them. Still photo’s are great but video’s give us the whole picture. So post away! On board cameras permitted.
Track schematic seemingly looks like a dogbone, folder once in the middle, with the right end lobe coiled once.
One passing siding on the lobe next to the fireplace, one passing siding on the inner coil on the other lobe, one connection from the inner to the outer coil. Couple of industry tracks inside inner coil at one end, one on the outside of the loop at the other end.
Like this:
If this is H0 (and I think it is), I’d guesstimate track radius around 30" or so - maybe a little bigger, making the tables about 5 1/2 feet wide at their widest point. - so figure a room maybe 12 x 14 feet or a little bigger? .
No apparent staging, and built more for watching trains run than for operations, but it sure looks great to watch the trains run. I loved the effect of letting the two trains run at different speeds in the same direction so they met at different spots during the loop.
Well, he would probably point out the three tracks in red below missing, and probably add some more details inside the double curl blob at upper right.
It is an older picture, so the trains end at NYP and reverse at what was the 137th Street Yard.
The line to South Ferry is not shown in this picture at all, and since it was taken, the lower level staging yards and NYP itself were torn out, the Helix became a four track helix, and the lower level a four track mane lion.
This is showing a “rough draft” of the scenery, plus some recently painted / lettered passenger cars on my free lance St.Paul Route’s “Lake Superior Limited”:
Man we had one whopper of a storm come through here last night. Lost the internet for 24 Hrs.
Thanks for all the kind words from those that viewed my rough and ready video.
Micheal, I had a friend who was also a member of the hole in the wall gang. His wife didn’t notice for 5 years. I’m not sure how she thought the trains got from one room to the next.[(-D] When she finally did notice the hangin tree was in her sights.[:(!]
Rich, the room is 15’ x 24’. Stein sure has a good eye. The bench by the fireplace is 66" wide and the other one is about 6’. Like Stein said it is more or less a folded dogbone and is a design that lets me sit back in front of the fire with a glass of white and just watch after a hard day.
My plan was drawn up on a big pad of graph paper. It included everything I thought I would want on the layout. For that reason the plan looks crowded. What I end up with will be much less. I want the centre of the big bench to be a Rocky Mountain pusher station with a small Roundhouse to service all those Selkirks and also a turntable. A small five or six track ladder to store all that MOW equipment necessary to keep those mountain passes open. I am trying to capture the feel of the monumental feat of pushing a rail line through those mountains and the job it takes to keep it open. I think I will put some staging under the big bench at some point. It is 18’ x 6’ so I think there’s room.
Lion, how long have you been working on that? WOW!
Great video’s everyone. I would really like to see the Helicopter view of Doc Wayne, Tom Whites and Grampy’s to name a few.
I have never had to use the TRIPLE dog dare. Anyone else have a request???
Ahh, yes, sitting back with a drink in hand, just relaxing and watching those trains. Oh boy, can I relate to that. The one thing missing in my case is the fireplace. My fireplace is upstairs, but my layout is down in the basement, so no fire to watch, just trains.
Incidentally, Brent, I don’t think that the plan looks crowded at all. You did a nice job of creating a very efficient track plan.
Thanks. Unfortunately I have a really good video camera…but it’s so old, it won’t work with anything beyond Windoze 98 so I can’t load anything from it onto my PC with Vista. [:(] Those vids were shot with a fairly cheap Bell and Howell camera that I got as a 20th anniversary of my being hired from my employer. One thing I’ve found makes a big difference is using a tripod.