I have started another layout , this one DCC in HO… After 30 years in Nscale I am quite new to HO… Anyway , got this Athern RS3 a few months ago , my 1st DCC engine. The owner installed a TCS decoder for me . I was quite happy ( still am). well today while running the RS3 it just started to chug around the track, like dirty tracks. After making sure it was the engine I took it to Roys and After a quick look at , i was told i could leave it and it would maybe be fixed later today or more likely tommarrow… Service only the LHS can give… Thanks…
I agree. I buy 95% of my purchases at my LHS. Not only do you get instant satisfaction on your purchase, but you can return defective items quicker, and of course getting the service like you had experienced.
I can’t stand making an online purchase, and waiting a week for it to be delivered, then to find out you have to return it. That is brutal.
For some odd reason I have had a string of defective items, but thank god it’s only a quick trip to the LHS to resolve it.
Love my LHS. I’d be a fool to buy a new loco anywhere else. They test EVERY locomotive/lighted car/etc… before putting it on the shelves or calling you when the preorders arrive. Anything that doesn’t work as described gets sent back to the vendor before you ever see it! They’ll even program decoders for you. Works out great because most people don’t have a programing booster to program the Tsunami’s.
That’s the reason I prefer the LHS over the internet…you just can’t get that personalized service online.
Exactly! I have and will buy some things off the internet, but usually it will be from the auction places, and only if a great deal and/or my LHS can’t get it. Most everything else I buy comes from the LHS.
I like the touchy feely world, also if there is something wrong with a purchase, and I have yet to experience it, I can talk to someone face to face and get the issue resolved one way or another so much faster. None of this type a letter, wait for a response, send a response to the response, dispute their findings in a response, wait for that response, pay shipping and insurannce, wait for it to get there, wait for it to get back and hope the postal employee isn’t mad at the world and ready to quit. PLUS, they are just about the nicest folks around and can help with many aspects because they are MRR’s too and I’ve been in there enough they have a feeling for what I go for.
Long live the Local Hobby Shop.