one of a kind paint jobs on engines , freightcars and cabooses

Over the last couple of years I have gotten interested in painting and collecting bicentennial engines from each road. As I look for more information to do these I often come across some interesting “one off” paint jobs applied to cars and engines for commemorative purposes. I have painted some of the ones I found and am getting interested in finding more. Does anyone know of any your particular road had? Here are a couple of examples of what I mean

D&H Sesquicentennial caboose

Thanks, Dan Pikulski

You mean like this??


Of course now I have to find or scratch build a GP59 to model it after.


The Athearn GP60 is very, very close.

While you are at search bicentennial and you get 50+ hits of bicentennial paint schemes.

You might want to check out the CB&Q’s gold RPI box car.

And don’t forget BN 1 (F9A), BN 2 (F9B), and BN 3 (E9Am) at the Illinois Railway Museum.

Somebody say gold?

Check this out… B&O’s gold-painted GP40-2 (commemorates EMD’s 50th anniversary I think):

A definite conversation piece if you got one on your layout! [:D]

a missouri pacific “herbie” car is a good, colorful one-of type.

Wait… wasn’t the Chessie the C&O? Unless I’m forgetting about the B&O buyout of the C&O (or the converse) it seems a little odd…

I think C&O and B&O merged at some point to form the Chessie System. Back on topic this site here has some photos of models the guy created of some one of a kind Conrail boxcars in HO.

chessie = chessie system = the merged lines of b&o, c&o and western maryland

so the reason it says b&o is because the separate railroads still maintained ownership of the individual locos… they just shared a common paint scheme…

and speaking of the gold loco… here is a ho scale model of it i found

Speaking of more gold…

Here’s a one-off-paintscheme loco in 1984 that cheered on our athletes to go for the gold:

That was one of the nicest red-white-and-blue paintschemes I’ve ever seen. [8D]

Here’s some of my favorite oddballs:

That is one neat looking car. I like the other stuff that has been suggested also.


CP painted a few (4 or 5) SD40-2’s in the Expo86 scheme in the mid 80’s. They also did a couple of GP38’s in E&N.

VIA Rail often does one-off specials for various things: Spiderman, Home Hardware, etc.