Online track planning?!

I stumbled across this the other day and thought I’d share it as well as skin if anyone here has had experience with it… it is “TRAX” online track planning website… (link below) that’s all…


Just signed up. Will try it out over next few days.

Keep us posted. I have a newly acquired empire that needs planning.

(“Empire” might be stretching it…it’s 140 square feet, 7×20.)

I just tried to sign up and it won’t let me due to cookies and expired sessions???

Disable Ad block, allow cookies, and add the site to the safe/allowed lists of any other add ons…

I got in restarted my browser.

I have only spent a few hours on it, i may not be giving it a fair test, but so far I am not impressed.

The main problem is Documentation is poor. It says what the program is supposed to do, but not how to do it.

The videos are the OK for basic “how to” but leave a lot out. Also I am not very good at following instructions on videos, would rather have written instaructions with screen shots. It appears that the method of rotating track has been changed since the videos were made.

On the plus side there are a lot of track libraries all clearly identified, and once I figured out how to manipulate the pieces track laying is fairly easy.

Under the “ROOM” tab are options to draw a room (showing locations of windows, doors and obstacles), import a table and create a table. I tried to create a table but was not successful. The is also a library of modules for TTRAK, NTRAK and NMRA (both HO and N) which I was able to figure out.

I did not try to create scenery. The Documentation says a table is needed for that.

The program defaults to metrc and one must change the units to imperial (is desired) every time it is opened. The rulers (top and left side) are good, but I don’t think the grid works right. At some magnifications it is useless.

In the “Community” there are a lot of projects listed to view, but most show nothing. Based on the “date started/date saved” it looks like a lot of people started a project, but quickly gave up.

The program is supposed tobe capable of doing a lot of useful things to aid in designing a model railroad and has a lot of potential. Better Documentation is definately needed. I will continue working with the program and report any progress.

It’s been a while. Any more info to report?