Is it possible to run OO/HO scale trains in the garden. If so,has anyone any advice on track and power.
It’s possible, but not advisable. HO scale track is not weatherproof or meant to be used outdoors, so you will encounter all sorts of problems. Depending on your climate, HO scale engines and rolling stock might also be damaged. In Phoenix, Arizona, for example, plastic G-scale wheels can melt in the summertime because the track gets so hot, so you can imagine what a dark colored HO box car is going to look like after being used outdoors. G-scale rolling stock is supposedly made from a different plastic composition and is more weatherproof than HO models.
How about trying to find plant material even remotely close to proportion? It would be a challenge. I pondered the possibility of using live plants with an indoor Ho layout once. Never went through with it. Tell us what happens. You may start a new field of railroading.
OO used to very popular in England but those OO trains were solid metal, no plastic, running on handlaid track so they stood up to the elements pretty well. I’ve seen these oldsters for sale on ebay for $$$. Modern HO is all cheap plastic and would look like a Dr Suess version of a train (all softly melted) after a short while outdoors. If you dont beleive me, try a test, leave and old boxcar, and some HO track exposed outdoors to the sunlight for a few weeks and see what it looks like. Guarenteed fading, warping in hot climates and UV deterioration.
Yes, it is possible, though as cacole said, you do have to weatherproof the stuff that will stay outside. Some things, like plastic buildings, can be painted to help with UV protection. Plants will be another challenge. Miniature varieties are available but scaling them to HO may be a stretch. If you’re willing to fudge a little, you might be all right.