I have this Lionel woodside caboose from 1986 and I want to get inside but there are no screws that I can see. I hope this isn’t the old metal ruler under the roof trick like some passenger cars. Anybody know how to open this up? As Always, Thanks
On some of the Standard O cars, the body mounting screws are actually obscured by the trucks. You have to turn them to the right and left to expose the screw heads. This could be one of the units where you have to squeeze the car sides at the secret place to open the unit. I’m not finding much documentation on this item.
I’m not at all certain of this, but check out the link below. There is a series of Lionel cabeese where the body is attached to a metal frame by two plastic tabs that squeezed down into slots at the ends of the car. Once inserted, the tabs popped into place and could be the very devil to get out without damage. Try to envision a downward-pointing half an arrow head somthing like ____\ as opposed to -----> depicted here horizontally. It’s hard to describe, but essentially it’s a tab with a lip. (In the old days, when things were made of metal, the tab would have simply been inserted downward through the slot and bent over; but in this plastic era the tab “wants” to go one way but then the lip gets caught under the metal floor and get trapped there.)
It is necessary to gently force the barely-protruding portion of each tab toward the center of the car, while gently lifting the body upward and back through the slot. You can (and should) could do one end at a time if you are careful. Care is the watchword here, as it is relatively easy to break off the tab completely.
In this link look on the right-hand side directly above the brakewheel, which is marked as part 6907-85. If I’m right, once you look at the actual caboose from below you should easily see how it works.
Sorry, no guarantees on this one…