WM Western Lines Operations Projects
I think this is the final plan…
Hi Lee,
I have take a look at your plan and study it during an half hour, because I find it very interesting whith all the connections between main and secondary track.
You know I am in a planning stage for the expand of my layout and the exchange between my main line and secondary track or local are a primary goal.
A main whithout exchange and local have no chance to “survive” so it’s important to planning whith crossover and siding possible exchange between local or industry.
As You mentionned on your blog it’s also important to plan the place and how a train can move on the main whithout making obstructive move and switching.
The basis idea of my freelance Appalachian layout plan is a big mainline going in the hills trough different mine town. A second line will snake along the Maclau River with also some mine village.
The two lines will be connected here and there by local which run in hard country to reach lost village in the hills and small local industry; it will also act as the connecting rail in some bigger village.
The hills main will be connected at the end of his trip by a good sized branchline in a medium town.
The hills main line will be double tracked whith a town loop at the end and come back on his way around the room.
Now because I am sure of the main track, if Ican say, I just put track village here an there on the main. Some design of these track arrangements are my own; some are inspired by reality or design I like from existing layout. Always study plan of the real thing or of models one, they can give you a lot of inspiration
I have the flavor for a point to point design for the branchline, which run his own trains and will be operated whith his own rule and
Hi Lee,
I like your home page!
Is this really N scale? Unbelievable!
Thanks, Ulrich and Marc!
Yes, it is indeed N scale. It’s been a labor of love for many years.
It looks like an elegant solution that combines sound engineering with good stagecraft. I think this will be a layout extension/change that will both look good and work well.
Hi again,
Your post inspired me a lot about track plan design and the nightmare it could be.
I invite you to read my post about “Tracks Elements” I just finish to publish on the forum.
I have some lack in track design and here in Europe design of track plan is not " a great cup of tea"
My own track plan had often turned to a nightmare, I greatly admit it.
“Tracks elements” had been often my answer to this lack and poor inspiration about track design.