Opinions on Bachmann diesels

I see that Bachmann has introduced a line of GP7s which I am in the market for. Having purchased steamers in both the Spectrum and regular line, I’d say the difference in quality is so great that as far as I’m concerned, they are two different companies with the latter worthy of the name Botchmann. Since the listings I have seen for the GP7s do not indicate that are Spectrums, I’m assuming they are Botchmanns. Having never purchased a Botchmann diesel, I’m wondering if they are as bad as their steamer line, which I would never buy again. I’m interested in opinions of their performance capability more so than appearance since I will be repainting them anyway. I’m not too concerned with pulling power since these will generally be used for shorter consists. I’m more concerned with how smooth they run, particularly at lower speeds and most important, how well they will stay on the track. I have a Botchmann Niagra that is so bad it could derail while sitting idle on a diorama.

Bachmann Diesels are a solid 6.5 on the value-o-meter. I have purchased some of their newer products in the past few years, and they quickly ended up in the parts box.

David B

I use the Spectrum single motor 44 ton and 70 ton for short hauls. Very quiet running and both configured to start at 1 mph and run at 40mph max. I am modifying a second 44 ton right now to MU with the first 44 ton. Union Freight in Boston use to do that as one 44 ton could not handle fifteen to twenty car transfers.

I just picked up two Stewart VO-1000 diesels for $53 each and those are fantastic runners. I am going to consider more Stewart’s.

I would not bother with the Bachmann standard line. Too much tinkering to make them run nice.


I assume you’re talking about HO scale. (It drives me nuts when this detail is left dangling).

I have the twin motor 44 tonner, which is a great runner and very well detailed. I also have a Spectrum GP-30 which is very smooth running, well weighted and again, very nicely detailed. In their “standard” line, I had a pair of GP-35’s with on-board DCC which ran well when they ran, but one of them suffered a short in the decoder board, so I got rid of them. I also have a couple of non-DCC GP 40’s that I’ve converted to DCC, and they do all right. My only complaints are the yellow dingy LED’s they use for lighting, and the fact that they don’t print their numberboards with white numerals (they’re left clear reversed out of the black panel. This combined with the dull yellow lighting looks terrible, in my opinion.)

Bachmann’s recent offerings are miles ahead of what they were peddling even just a few years ago, but I’d still try before you buy. For the price, it’s not a bad way to build up your roster economically.


Yeah, HO scale. I are a geezer. Nearly 70. Sometimes things slip between the tracks or where ever loose things go.[:I]


Bachmann’s newer Standard line diesels are very nice runners, but the onboard DCC isn’t worth the cost. I have the GP30 and FT-A, and both are easily as smooth as my high-end diesels, but the GP30 needed its DCC board taken out before it ran really well.