My opinion on your POST (more than your product)
Neither your message TITLE LINE nor your message were specific enough to make anyone know if they might be interested. There are gobs and gobs of messages, “opinions solicited on new trackplan”, and “experience with Brand X locomotive”. Your title line looked pretty much like one of those, but not as specific. In half a line, you could put a title line like “Opinions wanted on proposed new product”.
Then IF you have got somebody to commit themselves to open your message IN the forum, give him a little information to make him want to go to YOUR web site, not just, this is something wonderful, information, innovation, click on it and see what it is. You have created what is pretty nearly a “BLIND AD”.
By the way, when I saw the phrase “animation” in your website name, I wondered whether it referred to computer generated video imagery, possibly of an unbuilt but planned model railroad, a rendering and visualization tool. And when I actually went to your web site, the first few lines of your description made me wonder if that’s what you were leading up to.
Right in your initial message, you could in 20 words tell us that you are proposing/developing a system to control the animation of the non-railroad or scenic items of a railroad, the cranes, construction equipment, vehicles, etc. Enough so that people who are interested want to know more. Not your whole sales pitch or product proposal, just SOMETHING.
Now about your product. Sounds to me as if it is primarily a CONTROL system. A few folks have put animated gizmos on their layouts for years, either running constantly, controlled with relays, sensors, etc. or controlled manually. Sounds like your system is a step up improvement in CONTROL. I would think of using it for LIGHTING. I would like to run by schedule and m