I’m trying to get the shell off my P2K GP-9i locomotive to grease the worm gear and I’m having a bit of trouble doing it. The instruction sheet is no help as it states remove the shell for access to worm gear housing, or something to that effect, but doesn’t say how to do it. On my Kato unit you simply remove the coupler boxes, press in gently on the shells sides and lift, but not on this one. I found 4 screws on the bottom side and I removed them and tried again but it wouldn’t budge. The bad part is I accidently dropped one of the screws through an opening in the bottom and can’t get it out, so the shell has got to come off. I tried to go to LifeLikes website to see if they had better instructions but it is down.
Does anyone here know how you get the shell off? Without breaking it
I manage to retrieve the wayward screw with tweezers, so at least that not a problem anymore.
Did you check under the fuel tank for the 2 screws that helps hold the body on? The fuel tank is held in place by double sided tape and just pulls off the fuel tank frame. Also the coupler pockets needs to be removed.After that the drive and shell should separate…
Forget what everyone else is guessing at - The P2K GP9 body is held on by the coupler screws. Take them out - Then slide the coupler assembly out of each end. The body will now come off. You can now reassemble the motor mount screws/etc that you messed up. If you look at the exploded parts diagram that was shipped with the model, you can see what I am taking about.
BTW, the chassis is not the same as those original 1st run GP18’s and GP9 ph3 engines with the ‘P1K like’ light board - these have a good DCC socket that will take a Digitrax DH163L0 decoder - 5 minutes to install, no messing around with the lights!
check for little plastic clips around the bottom edge you know you see them when you see the same color as the shell poking out mine hade 8 and all are broke off now so be easy [B)]
Listen to Brakie, he’s the only one that got it right. Pull that tank off, don’t worry its not going to break even though you might think it will. I must have installed decoders in 20 of those Loco’s for myself and some of my friends.
Do any of the railings have to be cut (Lord I hope not!) to remove the shell? I know the couplers have to be removed, so then remove the four screws on the bottom of the frame PLUS the tanks?
No…The shell will lift off the body without needing to remove any hand rails…Again,remove the plastic tank…You will see 2 screws by the ends of the metal fuel tank casting…Those are the ones you need to remove.