I haven’t quite found the best option in prior threads, so…
I’m working on a IHC 4-6-2 that will get a decoder & speaker in the tender, requiring 3 wire pairs loco to tender; i.e., rails, motor & headlight. A common issue for converting a DC steamer to DCC.
I note that factory DCC locos often have pretty compact connectors for these, often with one connector (male or female) mounted on the tender (or loco, perhaps?).
I’m interested in ideas and suggestions; e.g;…, some particular parts from loco manufacturers that might fit the bill?
I am attaching a Litchfield Station listing below. I do have the NEM652 types on hand (or something similar) in bars that can be cut, but they seem a bit bulky, as a 6-wire connector, whether 1x6 or 2x3. The NMRA type perhaps are smaller(?) but my recollection is that some of the retail DCC locos have some pretty compact arrangements, so I thought I would inquire for better solutions, if any.
I will be awhile revamping the loco body, getting into some modest detailing, so I will have time to order a neat solution if that is advised.
IMG_9085 (2) by Paul Ahrens, on Flickr
Thanks for any suggestions or clarification!