Organizing tools and supplies?

My bedroom is also my train room. Being about 12x13 plus closet, space is limited. Among the things I have is a little hardware store with nuts, bolts screws, plates and misc for construction/modification of the railroad. How do you organize your supplies?

I purchased a used metal desk from an outfit that sold used office equipment. I use it as a workbench for all my fine work, trains or otherwise. The top center and top left draw has tools. The left middle and bottom drawrs have supplies such as glue, wire, etc. On this particular desk, the right pedistal originally held a typewriter. I removed the brackets, and use that side as a cupboard.
My desk also has several built-in outlets, which were originally for the typewriter, and an adding machine. They come in handy to plug in transformers. There is plenty of room on the desktip for some Arko-mils parts drawer cabinets.

What is an adding machine? [%-)] I bought a nice small metal workbench that was on sale at Sears. It has a nice wood top that is now cluttered with miscellaneous buts of stuff that I haven’t figured out where to put. It has several drawers that I have sort of organized into “parts”, “tools”, and “big tools”. Above the workbench I mounted a 4 x 8 piece of peg board and mounted some shelves for boxes of unused track and other boxes. I keep all my old boxes for train equipment in plastic storage bins under the train table. It is still a mess though. There is always stuff that I don’t have a good place for.

LOL, think of them as electro-mechanicial calculator that prints on paper tape, usually about 2 inches wide. I don’t recall when I last saw one.

Clearly not the answer for those with a basement or extensive wall-o-trains…

But I started using one of these types of rolling tool boxes, although I paid way less

May be right for someone with limited space. Holds quite a bit and its portable.

I use a fishing tackle case for my small parts. I got mine at Wal-Mart and it looks a small suitcase. I have one froe my hardware parts and one for my Plasticville parts.

I use a combination of tackle boxes or portable tool boxes, small clear partitioned parts boxes, larger 6x14 or so clear storage boxes (Stearlite - they stack and you can see whats in them from sides) 1 for wires and related, 1 for adhesives, 1 for small paint bottles, 1 - small tools, etc. labeled on the sides. They are cheap from Menards in our area. Good way to use the bottom space in a closet.
