Hello All: First thanks to all on last weeks question re: Starter sets, the response was done with thought & informative. This week’s question should get some interresting answers. When looking for accessories (Post War) do you like the originals or the reproduction’s?? Please state if ou are going to operate or leave it on the shelve to as a showpeice.[soapbox] Let’s keep to Post War, & save Pre-War & Tinplate for another week. Kind Regards to All Steve
I’ve used both original and the latest reproduction accessories on my layout and have good luck with both. In most cases the reproductions work better. Many times the originals have been adjusted, tuned, or tweaked to some one elses liking and it can be very difficult to get them in proper working order again, That is, unless you can find a mint piece that hasn’t been tampered with.
With a new reproduction piece, it’s usually ready to go right out of the box, and some even have improved operating mechanisms. The Lionel PWC series looks identical to the postwar pieces and operate in the same fashion. I think you’ll get less headaches with the new stuff if you plan to operate them.
Thank goodness for repros. Otherwise PW would be only for rich collectors!
To me, half the fun is in getting them to work. Therefore, when buying an accessory, I prefer the postwar original in most cases. The only time I don’t is when there’s a significant cost difference, or if the new one is equipped with TMCC right out of the box.
By the way, often times the new accesories have can motors in place of solenoids and vibrating motors. The nearly silent can motors, I think, take away the big element of fun with the old ones.
I like both, but if I’m buying something new, I go for the repros. They tend to operate better (improved manufacturing and other refinements) and I like trains and accessories that are in pristine condition. Strictly a personal bias.
I also like both ,but lean toward the originals unless it is a lot more expensive than the repro.
Post war original only here. I want my layout to be as it would have been built in the 50’s.
I’ve got to side with Frank53, original postwar stuff. Besides I love working on the old stuff!
Repos for me…they work much better and that’s the way I like 'em. Working. I like the tinkering but just assume they work without a lot of work.
I like the originals of course, but if you can get a repro easier and at a much more affordable price…do it!
I like and use both. I’m more of an operator than a collector, so if it looks good and works well, I don’t care whether it’s original or repro.
I prefer the original post-war versions. That being said the new versions work great too, and can be much quieter (can you say vibrotor?).