Oringinal post date

[^]I think it would be helpful if possible to have the original post date listed under the name of the topoc starter, just as the date of the latest post is listed.[8D][
?] What do you think?[:)]

Does it really matter? I’m thinking that if you’re that keen on finding out the post date, you’d go to the topic.
Sorry if I missed the point (Which I’m sure was something about how long this has been discussed) but it is far past my bedtime.


It would mean some extra programming, which the people who run the forum might not want to do.

You can see roughly if you right click on the topic, then click “properties” and that will bring up the id=# # # # #. It appears they run sequentially. Look at coffee shop, started in 2004 and it is 15,409. Then look at this one and you find it is 64,246. They must cover a lot of forums run by the same server.

Of course once you open the topic you can see the date of the first post that opened it.

Does not answer your question, but almost relevant. [:I][zzz]

I fully agree with Walter. That’s the one major flaw left on this forum (and I’ve been coming here since before there was a forum…1996 or so).

There’s nothing more annoying than to see an interesting topic pop up on this forum with a recent post on it, only when you click on it, you realize that not only have you already read this two years ago, but that you already posted on it back then!

Not a big deal you say? Try still being on dial-up. It’s not like these pages of ads and pictures loads up particularly fast.

I don’t know how much extra programming it would take…after all, this is a Snitz Forum just like the Atlas Forum and they have original posting dates on them.

So please add the original posting date, MR. It would make surfing this forum easier on those who don’t have cable modems.

Paul A. Cutler III

Weather Or No Go New Haven