So why is this news… matter of fact the NSA was to get its own Metrorail station in Greenbelt and contrubutes to the passenger revenue of MARC…
We have known this for years in the alternitive press
It’s just like “Spyware” on your own home Computer.
This looks like a job for RAILFAN MAN! … or at least detective_cinderdick…
So Dan…what does Railfan Man’s logo look like and what is his vehicle of choice?[:D]
His logo…hmmmm…I was kind of just thinkin it would be a ratty t-shirt that doesn’t quite cover the belly…and an AMC Pacer of course!!!
I think I may have seen him on Cajon the other day. I don’t think I could identify him in a police line up as he constantly had one of several cameras plasterd to his face. I could describe what he was wearing…well kind of as almost every square inch of clothing had either a pin or patch of some railroad related item covering it. He had several camera ‘necklaces’ and a couple timetables hanging out of his back pocket. He didn’t have a scanner cliped to his side though, Because he’s superfan, his scanner is truck mounted and has a 100 watt loudspeaker mounted on the roof so all the other railfans within a 1/2 mile can listen too. His truck was plastered with railroad bumber stickers but sience this truck spends most of it’s time on the ballast rather then the highway many of them were looking as ragged as the paint (time for a new layer of bumper stickers). The cab was full of railroad magazines and had a whole 12V distribution system to run all the electronics gadgets like the laptop with ATCS monitor and all the camera battery chargers, cooler and such. Oh and by the way if you want to find him all you have to do is follow the empty boxes of Kodachrome to the truck that could be mistaken for an antennae farm, and you will find him between the tripod and the cooler.[8D]
[:D]Oh Dan…LOL[:D]
Probably the only Hy-Rail version AMC ever made too! I can just imagine it now.
Any thoughts on the colors?
Well Shaaaahhhh…Espee Red and Gray…wash racks and showers neither desired or required… [:-^]