?Other uses for a Depot?

Post use by a RR, what have you seen depots turned into?

Insurance agency (Pickerington, OH)

Restaurant (Kent, OH)

I believe the depot in Granville, OH, was a printing shop for awhile.

Auto Parts store (North Manchester, IN)

Homes, a couple of places.

Chamber of Commerce (Newly done, Dalton, GA)

And, of course, museums or, museum pieces.

Minute Maid Baseball Park…[:(]

A dental office (Grand Haven, Michigan). Back in the day, though, the place was less filling and more fun!

Warehouse for a farm supply business. (LaFargeville, NY, NYC, nee Utica & Black River)

Lumber yard. (Evans Mills, NY, NYC, nee Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg)

Offices for a door manufacturer (bookstopped by two larger buildings). (Antwerp, NY, as above)

Diner. (Adams Center, NY, As above)

Museum - now closed. (Brownville, NY, NYC, on the original RW&O)

Warehouse for a telephone company (burned several years ago). (Chaumont, NY,ditto)

Marina (waterfront station). (Cape Vincent, NY, ditto)

Brewpub (also on the waterfront). (Sacket Harbor, NY, NYC, originally Carthage Watertown & Sackets Harbor Railroad)

Town offices (Holland Patent, NY, NYC, nee U&BR)

Seasonal residence. (McKeever, NY, NYC, nee Mohawk & Malone)

Lumber company, currently temporary fire station. (Milford, MI, CSX, nee PM)

Museum commemorating a rail attraction (Rail City, Sandy Pond, NY, Former Deer River, NY station, NYC, nee U&BR)


Directly accross the street from my office is an old, pink quartzite, Illinois Central passenger depot. It’s now the office for Immigration & Naturalization Services, complete with a big, honkin’ Homeland Security bus parked out front. [V]

The Milwaukee Road depot had it’s grand hip roof cut off decades ago. It’s now an ugly, non-descript building used as a halfway house for people coming out of drug rehab. [xx(]

The Great Northern depot is still intact, being used for storage by BNSF.

The grand Rock Island depot is now re-opened again, as a retail store. [:)] The big, glass insurance company next door had bought it some years back, to prevent it from re-opening again as another wino dive bar.

Bank DRGW depot in Canon City, CO

Restaurant NW depot in Bedford, VA recently heavily damaged in a fire. This was the station from which the “Bedford Boys” left during WWII. The heavy loss of life sufferd by this group on D-Day led to the location of the National D-Day Memorial in Bedford.

Bank - Chatham, NY

Real estate and surveyor’s office - Warwick, NY

Homes - PRR/ Amtrak/ SEPTA R-5 Main Line west from Phila., esp. at Villanova

Cafes - Reading North Penn Branch/ SEPTA R-5 line north to Lansdale, esp. at Glenside, North Wales, and Lansdale; also a restaurant at Jenkintown.

Model railroad club - one of the former RDG stations on the line from Phila. to Jenkintown, in the Melrose Area - believe it was the Chelten Hills Soc. Model Engrs., or similar


Just reading your comments in the above post[:O]… My thought is maybe you might need to relocate your office?[alien] Or maybe a surplus tank (operational, of course) for transport, to and from work.[:-,]

I’d really be cautious and concerned when you go for your morning latte.[oX)]

At the very least, I’d be whittling down a couple of your two x fours to cope with foot traffic around your office.[8D] Take Care! [%-)]

  • Chinese restaurant on the Providence & Worcester in Uxbridge, MA.
  • Gift shop on the MBTA in Concord, MA.
  • Insurance agency (?) on the MBTA in Westborough, MA.
  • Dry cleaner in the two-story depot in Clinton, MA, serving both the Pan Am (ex-B&M) Worcester line and on the 2nd story, the CSX (ex-NH) Leominster Branch.
    Also, not in a depot, but I’ve seen photos of a bank in Fayetteville, AR, that is built from an old passenger car and caboose - all that was added was a drive-through window; there was no addition to the structure except for modifications.

The Milwaukee Road depot in downtown Minneapolis was renovated and is now part of a hotel complex. For many years the space under the passenger car shed area has been used as a skating rink.


St.Paul Union Depot has been used for various businesses and restaurants over the years, and part has been used as storage for the downtown St.Paul post office next door. With the coming of light rail and commuter rail, SPUD will once again be used as a passenger station, nearly 40 years since the last train stopped there.

Somerset, Pa…A brick passenger station {B&O}, Auto wrecking yard business building. Demolished years ago.

{Slightly different}…A round house became a Catholic Church facility in Ligonier, Pa. It’s still in use. The local passenger station {Ligonier Valley RR…Became a Pa. State facility and believe it now is part of the local school administration facility.

Connellsville, Pa…A brick passenger station became a colored glass speciality sales shop.

That reminds me - the former Delaware, Lackawanna and Western station in Scranton, PA has been a hotel for about 20 - 25 years now - it was first a Hilton, I believe, but is now a Radisson. See: http://www.radisson.com/scrantonpa

Paul: Similar story at St. Louis Union Depot.

Cincinnati’s Union Depot is a museum complex, was a shopping center before that & still handles trains.

Dexter, MO (MoPac) is a Civil Defense & emergency services office

Rocky Ford, CO (ATSF) = Chamber of Commerce offices

Manzanola, CO (ATSF)= Senior Citizens Center & clinic

Fowler & Holly, CO(ATSF) = City Hall

Lascar, CO (DRGW) & Ordway, CO (MoPac)= Ranch House

Colorado Springs (ATSF) and Pueblo, CO (Union Sta) = Office Buildings

Colorado Springs (DRGW); Canon City (ATSF) & Ft. Collins (UP) = Major Restaurants

At La Junta, CO …5 wooden depots were brought into town and converted into houses on a common street (Cheraw, Lyon, Timpas, Hasty and one more - The buildings kept their station names painted on the side)…all ATSF

At Concordia, KS a bakery

At Hugoton, KS a restaurant built from the combined Ulysses, Rolla and Hugoton depots.

Springfield, CO a barn (Pritchett, CO depot…Springfield’s burned)

Thatcher, CO’s depotis a storage yard office

[quote user=“samfp1943”]


Just reading your comments in the above postShock… My thought is maybe you might need to relocate your office?Alien Or maybe a surplus tank (operational, of course) for transport, to and from work.Mischief

I’d really be cautious and concerned when you go for your morning latte.Pirate

At the very least, I’d be whittling down a couple of your two x fours to cope with foot traffic around your office.Cool &

LaughThat struck me as extremely funny, and ironic. I work in a 100+ year old lumberyard, in the center of downtown. Next week, we’re closing the yard, and moving everything to our new yard. It’s outside of town, and has a brand spanking new railroad siding! From my new office this morning, I could look out the window and watch a Dakota & Iowa train on the BNSF track a half mile to the east.Approve

Well, I sure hope you enjoy your new diggs![^] Sounds like a change in scenery and neighbors will suit you just fine!

To respond to your original Topic on recycling old DEPOTS.

Cherryvale, Ks (nee AT&SF) Beautiful brick classic station, now home to the local model railroad club

and its layout; as well as the HQ for the SK&O RR.

Chanute, Ks. (AT&SF, as well), now town property, various uses.

Sedan, Ks. (nee SLSF) now a feed store, and coop. Old wooden structure. Railroad, long gone.

Bartlesville, OK Chamber of Commerce Office

Branson, MO depot for the Branson Scenic Railway

Harrison, AR museum

Tulsa, OK various tenants including the local jazz club

Flippin, AR restaurant and bar

The model railroading club was forced to move a few years ago.

MC’s post reminded me of another one:

The former UP/ Oregon Short Line depot/ terminal in West Yellowstone, Montana, which is now a museum that anchors that downtown’s ‘historical district’. When I was there in late May of this year, the displays were mainly about the history and experiences of Yellowstone National Park - including the UP’s trains to there - as well as the 1988 fires, the 1959 earthquake, and fly fishing, etc. See:

http://www.yellowstonehistoriccenter.org/museum.php and


  • Paul North.

Sadly, Quentin, it appears that a new more typical church - Holy Trinity - was built and the roundhouse was demolished in the 2005 time frame. It was unique enough that I’ve pasted below the text of an article that I found on-line about that, from the 05-12-05 ‘‘ACCENT’’.

Is the former passenger station that imposing stone building with the huge arched windows on the other/ south side of West Main Street from the church ? Bounded on the west by South Walnut St., on the south by Railroad St., and west of Depot St. to the south and the church’s new driveway to the north, as well as Hadley St. which is further east ?

  • Paul North.

Holy Trinity Parish marks 150 years with new home
Long awaited church dedicated as part of milestone celebration<